Always, I want to be with you, and play Robot Unicorn Attack on Android with you, and live in harmony, harmony, oh love.
Adult Swim’s Robot Unicorn Attack made a huge splash upon its debut last February, taking the internet by storm. Was it the colorful visuals? Was it the simple yet addictive gameplay? Was it the soundtrack, which simply consisted of “Always” by Erasure looping over and over in the background?
Either way, the internet loved it, perhaps foreshadowing the bizarre popularity of the new My Little Pony. Robot Unicorn Attack left the web browser to go to the iOS App Store, but we who used Android Devices were left out in the harsh, unicorn-less cold.
Until now, that is. Robot Unicorn Attack will finally hit the Android Market tomorrow for $1, a small price to live in harmony (harmony, oh love). According to Adult Swim’s gaming VP Jeff Olsen, the “Christmas” and “Heavy Metal” versions of the game might follow depending on how much success the original version sees on Android.
“We’ve gotten a lot of requests for our games on Android,” Olsen told Joystiq. “We’re starting with Robot Unicorn because we’ve seen the most call for it. If it performs well, we’ll look at our whole catalog and bring over our other top titles.”
Olsen added that Adult Swim had considered looking at downloadable platforms on consoles (presumably Xbox Live Arcade and PSN), but had no concrete plans to launch its games there at the moment.
I’m totally getting this for my Droid tomorrow. I love that game. If you need a refresher, it’s still up at Adult Swim.
Published: Apr 19, 2011 12:08 AM UTC