Malukah and Taylor Davis have released a new haunting medley of music from The Banner Saga.
The Banner Saga overall was a freaking gorgeous game. As pretty as its animated visuals were to look at though, it was often even lovelier to listen to. Its soundtrack, composed by Austin Wintory, is a smorgasbord of music capturing the beauty and bleakness of Stoic’s epic tale of Vikings and giants at the world’s end. Of course, where hauntingly beautiful video game music goes Malukah must follow.
Malukah, who caught gamer’s attention back in 2011 with her rendition of Skyrim‘s The Dragonborn Comes released a new video today featuring her and violinist Taylor Davis performing a medley of songs from The Banner Saga. The video, shot by filmmaker Landon Donoho, is flat-out just a brilliant piece of tribute to the game, capturing its look, feel and, of course, the sound to a tee. Put shortly, if you enjoyed The Banner Saga in the slightest, this should be on your must watch list.
Of course, if you haven’t played The Banner Saga you should be making some time to do that. It’s a great game and if you like RPGs, strategy titles or just epic fantasy stories, you’re probably going to find something to love. And even if you don’t like the game, still give the video a gander. Good music is good music no matter where it comes from after all.
Source: YouTube
Published: Feb 12, 2014 3:11 AM UTC