Capcom won’t be milking the Street Fighter IV franchise any further.
Were you worried that Capcom would eventually be turning Street Fighter IV into Ultra Hyper Super Street Fighter IV Turbo: Platinum Champions – Akuma Friends Edition after the release of Super Street Figher IV at the end of April? It’s not going to happen, says producer Yoshinori Ono.
Speaking to OXM (via CVG), Ono said: “I have no intention of carrying on Street Fighter IV into Hyper Street Fighter IV or Ultra Street Fighter IV, because I’m aware of the mistakes Capcom has made in the past.” For reference, after the release of Street Fighter II in 1991, Capcom went on to release a Champion Edition, Hyper Edition, Super Street Fighter II which introduced new characters, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, and Hyper Street Fighter II amongst other versions across various platforms arcade, handheld, and console. It was a little much, but most versions did add notable improvements in Capcom’s defense.
Street Fighter IV came out in February 2009, and a little over a year later we’ll see a new retail version in the $40 Super Street Fighter IV that will also add a bunch of characters and features. Ono admits that Capcom plans to do more with the Street Fighter franchise, but that “in terms of Street Fighter IV, this is definitive… Super Street Fighter IV should be the distinctive end.”
DLC is always still a possibility for the future of Super Street Fighter IV to tune the game’s balance, but Ono believes “as a packaged product … this is the last.” I think I’m a little disappointed, because I was looking forward to seeing the creative naming conventions that Capcom may have come up with. May they live on through DLC.
(Via: CVG)
Published: Apr 11, 2010 10:01 PM UTC