Palworld’s Latest Update Gives It the Endgame It Desperately Needed

Palworld is a ludicrous game that grabbed thousands of players by the throat when it was first released earlier this year. Something about the combination of adorable pals and missile launchers simply spoke to the people. And with the Sakurajima update hitting servers on June 27, Palworld finally gets what hardcore players have been yearning for – an endgame.

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Players may or may not know that Pocketpair released its first raid boss, Bellanoir Libero, back in April. And while this Pal was the biggest challenge yet, letting you bring your entire base of Pals to the fight, it felt a little one note. Once you beat it, there was really nothing left to do.

But with the inclusion of Sakurajima, players have a new high-level island to tackle, populated with two dozen new Pals, a new Tower boss, an oil rig stronghold, a new raid, and most importantly, the release of the arena.

Collectors will naturally be most interested in the new Pals, which range from new subtypes like Wixen Noct and Katress Ignis to entirely new Pals, like Mimog. These Pals range from level 40 to level 45, and most of them will require an Ultra Sphere to easily catch, and they can all be found on the beautifully sculpted Sakurajima Island. An island that boasts eerie cemeteries, a wetland complete with giant mushrooms and Grintales, and endless oceans of picturesque cherry blossoms. But Players with an eye to endgame will likely be interested in the rest.

Once you beat the Sakurajima Island Tower boss, you’ll be able to tackle the rest of the Towers on hard mode. Beyond being more challenging, these bosses will now drop better loot. And if that doesn’t seem challenging enough, the oil rig stronghold certainly is. This stronghold is absolutely no joke. It’s likely to one-shot your flying mount right out of the air if you approach it without caution. And all the enemies within are high level and outfitted with the best guns.

I’d honestly say that the oil rig is more challenging than the raid, which brings you up against Blazamut Ryu. Which is certainly a cool monster of a Pal to fight against, and will absolutely wreck whatever base you summon it to.

But the real endgame is ultimately the arena. The arena is where you’ll see all your hard work building Pals with perfect passives come to fruition. It’s the reason to painstakingly tap the new crude oil veins that have spawned across the map, which are essential for building the brand new armor sets and weapons, which range from lasers to flamethrowers. It’s the reason why you should get a Pal breeding base factory set up. It’s here that you’ll test the true mettle of your team and learn if you’re the very best, like no one ever was. And for this reason alone, Sakurajima gives Palworld the longevity boost it needed.  

Palworld’s Sakurajima update release on June 27.

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Image of Daphne Fama
Daphne Fama
An editor at The Escapist, Daphne Fama has been in the industry since 2022. She spends an inordinate amount playing games and has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s a published author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but realized she could be happy instead.