Roblox Pressure is all about knowing how to deal with each monster so that you can survive all rooms. Some share a similar strategy while some have specific ones that we’ll go over so that you can clear each run perfectly. Here are all monsters in Pressure and how to survive them.
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How to Survive All Monsters in Pressure
Below you’ll find a list of how to beat all monsters in Pressure. Some are random encounters, some are Node monsters that have a specific path, and some appear in specific areas like the DiVine in Oxygen Gardens. I’ll guide you through the specific methods on how to deal with them or which cues to look out for so that you can hide in time. Just watch out for Cleithrophobia which activates if you hide for too long and pushes you out so don’t hide too early. Instead, listen or watch out for the signs for each monster below.

When you see lights start to flicker, Pandemonium is one of the possible spawns. Don’t immediately run to a locker and hide due to Cleithrophobia and instead stand next to one and wait for his roar audio queue. Pandemonium will insta-kill any players in its line of sight who aren’t in a locker. Once it approaches your locker, you’ll be thrust into a mini-game where you have to keep the cursor in the middle of the screen as it moves around while the monster slams the locker. If you survive this mini-game, you survive Pandemonium.
Good People

Good People spawns in rooms with one or more dead-end doors making one of them a Fake Door and if you enter it, it attacks and kills you. To avoid this keep the following in mind:
- Fake Door Cues: Always check a door by getting as close to it as possible without opening it and trying to hear audible breathing, low growling, sparks or faintly visible scanlines on the navi-path sign. These are the signs that Good People is behind the Fake door.
- Dark Rooms: In dark rooms the navi-path screen for Fake doors will remain lit while real door’s navi-path will remain dark as normal.
- HQ Message: If HQ ever tells you of a path to take while not revealing the incorrect path, I highly recommend looking for Fake doors.

This shark monster appears in rooms with a window view of the ocean outside. Don’t look outside of a window if it appears since making eye contact will drain your HP. Just walk out of that room while not looking out the window to despawn it.

This is an easy monster to deal with since you only need to turn your light off if you see them and avoid standing too close to them. They appear in dark rooms or rooms that were made dark by monsters. Simply turn off your light and get past them in a wide berth to survive.
Locker Void-Mass

These slimes randomly spawn in lockers and if you enter a locker with them inside you will take damage and get trapped inside. Check for them before entering a locker by looking for purple slime inside. If you end up trapped you will continually take damage until you either die or are freed by another player.
Wall Dweller

These randomly spawn inside of walls and emerge when you’re not looking to chase you and insta-kill you when they reach you. Always listen for footsteps out of sync and different from the other players. If you turn around and see a Wall Dweller it will retreat. Also, if one attacks your teammate, you can approach and attack them. They are best dealt with by baiting them to attack and having another player kill them.
The important thing about dwellers is if a roaming Node such as The Angler below comes into contact with them, it will kill the Wall Dweller. This leaves behind a meat chink that players can pick up and eat for a health regeneration buff. The meat chunk also drops when a player kills a Wall Dweller but the meat will be defective then and won’t heal.
Redeemer and Hanger

The Redeemer is a revolver you will randomly find and picking it up starts a minigame with the Hanger monster that spawns behind you as the camera turns. The minigame is all about mashing the E (Interact) button to resist the influence. If successful, the player shoots the Hanger and survives the minigame. If not, the player either shoots themselves or the Hanger will start stabbing you for 20 damage each.
Candlebearers & Candlebrutes

Candlebearers are stunned by a light source but do not shine a light at them for more than 3 seconds at a time as they’ll become enraged and chase you. They’re not an insta-kill monster so I highly recommend sporadically shining a light at them to stop them from moving and slowly progressing. Even if one reaches you, they deal low damage so it’s not as big of a deal as fully enraging them by shining a continuous light at them. You will not you enraged them if their light turns fully blue.
Candlebrutes are a tougher variation and they work similarly except they’re only slowed by light and not stunned. Emergency lights also don’t stun nor slow them and they’re faster than Candlebearers. You can shine a light on them for 5 seconds before they become enraged.
The Angler

Out of all monsters in Pressure, the Angler and its variants are quite common. When The Angler spawns you’ll see lights start to flicker briefly and this is your cue to hide in a nearby locker. That’s the most effective way to survive it with the other being submerging your head in water. In fact, they only spawn when you enter a room with a locker. If you don’t hide as the lights flicker, you’ll have a few seconds of time before it arrives in your room and starts roaring. In case you don’t hide in time the Angler will insta-kill any player in the same room with line of sight.
Pinkie is similar to the Angler above, except that lights won’t flicker as a pre-warning. You’ll only hear a screeching sound as she approaches into the room and must hide in a locker. The same spawning rules apply where she’ll only spawn if there’s a valid hiding spot like a Locker in the room.
Froger is exactly the same as Angler with lights flickering and the loud screech once its near. Be prepared to hide in a Locker soon as you see the lights flicker and hear the screech. The key difference is that Froger will haunt all the rooms as usual with Angler or Pinkie but instead of despawning at the end of the path, it will rebound back the same way so be ready to hide again.
Chainsmoker is another variation of The Angler where lights will flicker as he spawns and you’ll hear chains rattling as he approaches you closer and closer. The key difference is that the Chainsmoker will breathe out green smoke before he enters a room causing you to leave a locker if you’re in one. The best time to hide is when you see your screen start to shake at his arrival since then the gas won’t kick you out in time for him to attack. He’s also one of the slowest monsters.
This is the fastest variation of the previous node monsters, appearing when you’re in a room with a hiding spot or have exited one. You’ll hear screeching as he approaches and when he’s about to enter a room he’ll emit a loud roar which is the best time to hide. Watch out for Blitz’s speed as he’s one of the fastest monsters.

This is a monster specifically appearing in The Dredge area. He only appears and attacks while players are in the water. Use the dry surfaces around to evade the Bottomfeeder and progress. If all players are outside of the water it will despawn. However, if it catches you, you’ll be forced into a mini game mashing Q and E or the special buttons on mobile to escape. This mini game drains your health and if you win you’ll kick the monster away causing it to not attack for a short while as you seek dry land.
The DiVine

These are the tree-like monsters that appear in Oxygen Gardens and they’re not hostile if you avoid the grass patches throughout the area. If you step on grass, they’ll become active and hostile, chasing you and dealing 75 if they get close. You have a moment to get off the grass as you activate them. The trick is that they’ll sometimes combine with other monsters. For example, if there is an Eyefestation present don’t make eye contact and avoid grass at the same time.
That’s it for my guide on all monsters in Pressure Roblox and how to survive them. Don’t forget to check out our Pressure codes for free goodies.
Published: Mar 12, 2025 11:07 AM UTC