Being as it is Tuesday, first Tuesday of the year, it is time to start it off with a new Fist de Yuma column. In addition to discussing some of his recent exploits, he follows up on a subject he talked about last week, that of experience chains and their effect on the game.
A lot of the response to last weeks essay on Chains have been as expected. The typical, me, me, me, me and I want posts. One compared traditional alliances with chains, calling the traditional ones worse than chains. It was especially offensive.
After reading his posts I saw that here was a very smart, if immoral and greedy player. He used a lot of the games of politicians use. First he made a comparison of chains with real alliances. Of course they look the same, they use the same tools. As it not the tools but the way they are used that is bad, this was bogus. He presented his lie well.
Head over to the The Olthoi Lair to read the rest of the column.
Published: Jan 1, 2002 04:06 pm