Sam & Max Episode 1: Culture Shock is set to debut October 17th on Gametap.
The first “season” of Sam & Max is ready to debut this October on Gametap, the subscription-based game download service. Gametap will have the game exclusively for 15 days, after which the official Telltale Games site will also offer the first episode.
“Gamers get to play the new episodes of Sam & Max first on GameTap, where the whole Sam & Max experience is enriched with additional amazing content,” said Ricardo Sanchez, GameTap Vice President of Content. “Telltale and GameTap are also co-producing new animated machinima “shorts,” which will premiere in November as a prelude to the second game episode, with more shorts airing between monthly episodes to give Sam & Max fans a regularly scheduled fix.”
The second episode will follow in December, with monthly installments through April. Sam & Max, originally a LucasArts adventure game, marks one of the first forays into a monthly structure for episodic content.
Published: Sep 8, 2006 07:56 pm