Nerjyzed Entertainment has announced its upcoming Black College Football Experience game, an Unreal 3.0-powered “cultural experience” built around black college football.
The game will feature more than 40 teams, bands and mascots from “Historically Black Colleges and Universities,” and will include interactive halftime shows, play-by-play commentary and 10 authentic Classics. Nerjyzed has established a five-year exclusive licensing agreement with three HBCU conferences as well as independent schools. Nerjyzed CEO Jacqueline Beauchamp said, “As HBCU alumni and black college football enthusiasts, we’re proud that BCFx honors our rich tradition and provides an incredibly fun football game for the whole family to play.”
Nerjyzed Entertainment was founded in 2003 to develop PC and console games centered around African American perspectives for the “underserved urban market.” The company is also working with the Louisiana state government to help train game developers in the state’s college system.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities are post-secondary education institutions established in the United States prior to 1964 to serve the African American community. There are currently 114 such schools in the U.S.
Black College Football Experience is slated for release in fall 2007. A promotional trailer and pre-order link are available on the company’s website.
Published: Sep 5, 2007 07:00 pm