Tiga’s suggested tax break for game developers is going under government review.
When Tiga, Britain’s games industry trade organization, renewed its idea of asking the government for tax breaks for game companies, a formal online petition launched asking the Prime Minister to “provide tax or other incentives to support the UK computer and video games industry.”
Now that the petition has closed, the government responded that it “takes seriously the contribution of the UK’s creative industries to the economy and to the UK’s cultural richness.”
In a paper entitled “Creative Britain- New talents for the New Economy” the government promised that “the creative industries, including the games sector, were aware of and made the best use of the generous Research and Development tax credits for small and medium-sized enterprises.”
After France took similar action to reduce taxes for game developers, the UK confirmed that is working “to collect and review the evidence for introducing such a credit in the UK.”
Source: Destructoid
Published: Jun 10, 2008 07:33 pm