A new children’s book warning against the perils of excess gaming is coming out in February, but Sofa Boy is hardly a reactionary tract: It’s written by a respected industry veteran.
The book was written by Scott Langteau, co-founder of Spark Unlimited, the studio behind Call of Duty: Finest Hour, Legendary and Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Langteau’s expertise on the topic stems from the fact that he himself was a “sofa boy,” spending countless hours playing videogames while ignoring just about everything else in his life; his many years in the industry, meanwhile, let him spin a tale about the value of moderation while avoiding the traditional pitfalls of reactionary hyperbole.
“A young boy discovers that lounging on his favorite sofa playing videogames around the clock is not all it’s cracked up to be,” the book’s Amazon entry says. “His lack of attention to life’s basics such as bathing, good food, fresh air, sunlight, and old fashioned exercise wreaks havoc on his young body, and before long our little lad finds himself a prisoner of his own designing, as well as the fascination of many an onlooker as he becomes literally joined at the hip with his increasingly disgusting environment.”
Are you at risk of becoming a Sofa Boy? Consider these warning signs:
If you have to time bathroom breaks with videogame checkpoints… you might be a Sofa Boy.
If you scream “Bright light! Bright light!” when someone opens the curtains… you might be a Sofa Boy.
If your sofa cushion has a permanent depression in the shape of your backside…you might be a Sofa Boy.
If your idea of getting some exercise is doing bicep curls with a bowl of chips… you might be a Sofa Boy.
If your mother drops you off at school and you announce how many points she scored along the route… you might be a Sofa Boy.
Featuring colorful illustrations by PinUpToons creator Rion Vernon, Sofa Boy, Scott Langteau’s first book, goes on sale February 16.
Source: MTV Multiplayer
Published: Feb 3, 2009 12:52 am