Square-Enix may be giving PS3 owners a reason to actually log into Home for once – the company will be using the service to unveil an exclusive new FF13 trailer tomorrow.
Despite Sony’s best efforts to actually portray PlayStation Home as being something of interest, the service has never really caught on with gamers, as seen in this Penny-Arcade or our very own Issue 214. Every now and then, though, something comes along that makes us consider logging in to actually see what the buzz is all about.
In this case, that “something” is a never-before-seen trailer for Square-Enix’s upcoming Final Fantasy XIII, which will debut tomorrow, Friday the 13th (get it?) in Home’s 10-screen movie theater, revealeth PlayStation Blog.
Interestingly enough, Squeenix let it slip earlier this week that there would also be a major announcement about Final Fantasy XIII tomorrow on the European PS Blog at 3:30 PM GMT (10:30 AM EST). So far, speculation seems to have focused around the idea that said announcement will involve a release date for the game in Europe, but given that we don’t have a release date for North America yet, I find that unlikely. Nor would a mere release date reveal fit with Squeenix rep Antonio Marfuggi’s statement about the size and importance of the announcement: “[W]ith ‘big’ I mean ‘BIG’.”
Besides, announcing a date on which you will announce the date that the game will come out on seems a bit more like a Kojima thing to me, don’t you think? Either way, we’ll find out tomorrow.
Published: Nov 12, 2009 03:53 pm