The animated series Family Guy is known for it’s pop culture references, and last night’s episode skewered MW2 players complaining about Peter Griffin’s skillz, or lack thereof.
If you’ve ever seen an episode of Fox’s Family Guy, then you know that the plot is often used merely as a vehicle for as many obscure pop-culture references as the writers can cram into 22 minutes. It’s good thing that such references usually quite funny. I also get the feeling that Seth MacFarlane is the same kind of nerd that I am, with pokes at Star Trek and memes like 2 girls, 1 cup aplenty. Last night’s episode covered a subject that will be familiar to most gamers, the trash-talking that noobs are subjected to in shooters like MW2.
It looks like Infinity Ward was on board with the clip, if only because Peter Griffin seems to get tagged by a gamer with the handle FourZeroTwo, a.k.a. Robert Bowling, Creative Strategist at IW.
Bowling even mentioned it in his Twitter feed, “Who just saw the new episode of Family Guy on FOX? More importantly, who just saw that awesome kill I just got on Peter Griffin in the show?”
Way to go taking out that noob, Bowling! Who cares if he’s “new”?
Published: Apr 12, 2010 04:25 pm