The quickest way to get your hands on Duke Nukem Forever is by purchasing the Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition.
Gearbox wants to get a demo of Duke Nukem Forever out to as many people as possible to swing them its way, but the studio values its loyal customers too. As a bonus for those purchasing the Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition releasing on October 12, Gearbox will be including membership to the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club.
The club is just what you’d think it’d be, though it doesn’t involve alien strippers in any way. With membership comes early access to the Duke Nukem Forever demo before it’s available to the rest of the world. That is, whenever the demo is eventually pre-released, because it won’t be ready for the launch of Borderlands: GOTY.
The First Access Club will also net purchasers a “wealth of goodies” according to Gearbox. Gearbox hasn’t announced what these goodies will actually be, but I’m guessing they could be anything from Duke Nukem themed Borderlands skins to exclusive screenshots or videos. Duke Nukem-branded Wranglers are not yet one of the announced goodies, but I never rule anything out.
Borderlands: GOTY retails for $59.99 on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and $49.99 on the PC. It features Borderlands and all four of its DLC packs, including Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxie’s Underdome Riot, Secret Armory of General Knoxx, and Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution. Duke Nukem Forever itself is expected in 2011. So what do those of us that purchased Borderlands and all of its DLC packs separately get, huh Gearbox?
Published: Oct 5, 2010 06:46 pm