Carole Lieberman, the author and psychologist who stirred up a whole lot of nerd rage recently when she told Fox News that videogames cause rape, is being Amazonbombed.
Fox News recently caused some predictable outrage with a report suggesting that among their many other inherent evils, videogames turn people into rapists. “The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in videogames” was the exact line, coming from one Carole Lieberman, an Emmy award-winning “media psychiatrist,” author and expert-witness-for-hire. You can imagine how well that went over.
So as it is wont to do, the internet is now expressing its outrage by Amazonbombing her latest book, Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them and How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets. GamePolitics says the tome has gone from six reviews to 40 this morning, the vast majority of them one-star ratings that have dragged its overall review score down to a lowly 1.5/5.
It’s interesting to note that while some of the “reviewers” make no bones about the fact that their anger is rooted in Lieberman’s ridiculous anti-game comments on Fox, many others take issue with the concept of the book itself: that it encourages women to use sexual manipulation and deceit to get ahead in the world. I haven’t read it so I can’t really comment but the cover sure ain’t subtle.
Odds are that Amazon will pull the plug on at least some of the one-star reviews fairly quickly, although the fact that most of them are civil and more or less on topic could splash some confusion on the process.
Published: Feb 10, 2011 04:40 pm