“The Awakening,” the first of a three-part animated web series, sets a bleak tone for Bethesda’s upcoming Dishonored.
From a distance, the city of Dunwall looks like a pretty cool place. It’s a steampunk joint with a salting of the supernatural, packed with enough imperial pomp and underworld sleaze to keep it all interesting. Up close, it’s a lot less pleasant, as evidenced by the bodies in the streets. But how did it get there? What price did it pay in the name of progress?
The Tales From Dunwall is a three-part animated series, narrated by Chloe Grace Moretz of Kick-Ass fame, that serves up a shadowy, stylish look at the plague-stricken game world of Dishonored. It was created “predominantly by hand” by Psyop, a marketing firm which has also created promotional materials for games like Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Dante’s Inferno and Fable III.
It’s not a happy trailer, but it is an awfully good one. I’m really looking forward to parts two and three, which will be released over the next couple of days, and Dishonored, too, which isn’t much further away: It launches on October 12 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
Published: Sep 25, 2012 07:23 pm