The team wants more time to deliver on its vision. But, if you like Contrast …
The rumor is true: DriveClub isn’t a PS4 launch title any more. This has been confirmed by Shuhei Yoshida, who says that the development team needs more time to deliver on its vision, “and I’m fully confident the game will surpass your expectations.” There isn’t a confirmed date yet; early 2014 is the most anyone’s prepared to say.
DriveClub was supposed to be part of the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection at launch, and Yoshida confirmed that, when it does finally get here, it will be part of that Collection. However there is something here to sweeten the pill: Contrast, Compulsion Games’ intriguing puzzle platformer with a surrealist touch, will be added to the Collection at launch, and it will be free, free, free. Hence the trailer; I figured you could do with a dose of Cissie Redgwick right about now.
“The extra time we’re giving the team means the visuals and overall experience are only going to get better,” says Yoshida. “We can assure you that it will be worth the wait.” Let’s hope so. In the meantime, gimmie that swing.
Source: PlayStation Blog
Published: Oct 18, 2013 11:58 am