From the Executive Producer of Zero Punctuation and the publisher of The Escapist comes Game Dogs, The Escapist’s newest animated series. Featuring the voice talents of Jon Etheridge, Tony Schnur and Alena Koch, Game Dogs is the story of Roger and Chet, two dogs on a mission to make a career out of making games – or get fired trying. Game Dogs premieres Thursday, January 14th only at The Escapist. Watch the Game Dogs trailer below and check out the details on Roger and Chet.
Electro Software Human Resources Confidential Personnel File
Employee Number: 13,689
Name: Chet
Position: Idea Dog (“Idea Dog”? Suzi, please check this with Gary. – J.)
Department: Games Division
Supervisor: Gary
Comments: Chet has been transferred from his position as Programmer in the Word Processing Software Division of Electro Software to the newly-created Games Division.
Chet’s official permanent record contains many write-ups for tardiness and failure to deliver work according to schedule, although the quality of his work and creativity in problem solving are unparalleled. His latest performance report, signed by the Manager of Word Processing, Barney, concludes: “Chet is brilliantly unmanageable. Recommend termination or promotion to middle management.”
Upper Management feels confident Chet will excel in his new role considering his broad expertise on the subject of playing games and wasting time.
Electro Software Human Resources Confidential Personnel File
Employee Number: 13,690
Name: Roger
Position: Programmer
Department: Games Division
Supervisor: Gary
Comments: Roger has been transferred to the newly-created Games Division from the Tax Preparation Software Division, where he was employed as a Programmer.
Roger’s Official Permanent Record makes note of no serious infractions of company policy – no infractions at all, in fact – with the sole exception of a single charge of Felony Wire Fraud for writing a subroutine into Electro Software’s “Tax Buddy 12” tax preparation software program that would automatically invest customers’ tax returns in the stock market. Roger was subsequently written up by his supervisor for violating Electro Company Handbook Directive Chapter 7, Section 8.03, Paragraph 12: “Employees will not break the law.” The record shows that the charges were dismissed after a Federal Investigation resulted in a failure to produce any victims willing to press charges owing to the fact they made significant dividends on their investments.
Upper Management has expressed high hopes for Roger’s future in his new role as Programmer for the Games Division. He will also be temporarily on loan to Mr. Yee’s office each year during tax season.
Check back here tomorrow for more in-depth info on upcoming Game Dogs characters from the Electro Software Human Resources Confidential Personnel File.
Published: Jan 11, 2010 04:30 pm