A new expansion means new mounts. The Dawntrail expansion adds a good number of cute mounts to Final Fantasy XIV, and you may need to go out of your way to collect some of them. Here’s how to get all mounts in FFXIV Dawntrail.
How to Get All Mounts in FFXIV Dawntrail
At the time of writing, there are a total of 13 mounts currently available in FFXIV Dawntrail. That number will likely change as more content gets released via the major and minor patches, and we’ll update this section as that happens.
In the meantime, we’ve listed all of the available mounts down below, along with how to get them:
Mount | How to Get |
Alpaca | Complete the Dawntrail MSQ. |
Mehwapyarra | Collect 12 Ttokrrone Scales by farming The Serpentlord Seethes FATE in Shaaloani. Exchange them with Uah’shepya in Solution Nine. |
Automatoise | Exchange 3,200 Sacks of Nuts with the Dawn Hunt vendor in Tuliyollal after unlocking Dawntrail Hunts. Sacks of Nuts obtained from previous expansion Hunts will work here, but you need to unlock Dawntrail Hunts first. |
Oppressor | Reach level 25 in the PvP Series Malmstones. |
Air-Wheeler A9 | Purchased from the Air-wheeler Dealer NPC in Solution Nine for 7,500,000 Gil. |
Ark | Obtained by purchasing the Dawntrail Collector’s Edition. |
Outrunner | Unlock the “A Life of Adventure VI” achievement. Requires you to have the “Mastering War VI” and “Mastering Magic VI” achievements. |
Rroneek | Collect 100 Rroneek Horn Tokens and exchange them with the Splendors vendor in Solution Nine. Rroneek Horn Tokens can be bought with Orange Gatherers’ Scrips from any Scrip Exchange vendor in the game. |
Ty’aitya | Exchange 500 Turali Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers with Edelina in Mor Dhona. |
Ullr | Unlock the “Dawnbright Hunter” achievement. Requires you to have the “Dawn of a New A Game III” and Dawn of a New S Game III” achievements, which are gotten through Hunts. |
Mountain Zu | Only available through the Mountain Dew promotion that runs till July 14. Purchase bottled beverages and check the caps for point codes, then redeem them through the Mountain Dew Gaming website. Once you have enough points, you’ll get a code for the mount, which you can redeem through Mog Station. |
Wings of Resolve | Treasure coffer loot from Everkeep (Extreme). |
Wings of Ruin | Treasure coffer loot from Worgor Lar Dor (Extreme). |
We have since updated this section with more information on how to get the Wings of Ruin and Wings of Resolve mounts. Both of them are one-seater mounts that can be obtained as drops from the Extreme Trials: Everkeep and Worgor Lar Dor. You’ll need to have completed the Dawntrail MSQ first before you’re able to unlock these.
Once you have the Key items for the respective mounts, all you need to do is use them from your inventory and they’ll automatically get added to your mount catalog. You can summon them individually from the mount menu, or just put them on your hotbar for easy access.
And that’s how to get all mounts in FFXIV Dawntrail. Be sure to search up The Escapist for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Jul 9, 2024 5:24 AM UTC