In the Jinx manhwa, characters fly both red and green flags — sometimes simultaneously. In this article, we’re going to go through and rank the main characters of the Jinx manhwa to determine just who is really the worst and who is the best.
9. Baek Jumin

Baek Jumin was introduced at the end of Jinx Season 1, and he’s a walking, talking red flag who will play dirty and cheat to get what he wants. While we haven’t seen too much of him, what we have seen proves he is going to be a major antagonist in the story. Baek Jumin has absolutely no good qualities.
8. Joo Jaekyung

Joo Jaekyung is the poster child for a red flag. In Jinx Season 1, he did a lot of harm, and a lot of fans, including myself, don’t see how he can be redeemed. Jaekyung may be one of the male leads, but no one is rooting for him. If he really wants to turn things around, he’s got a lot of apologies to make and work to do on himself. The only real reason he didn’t take the bottom slot on this list is that he was nice to Kim Dan’s grandmother.
7. Choi Heesung

On the surface, Choi Heesung doesn’t really look all that bad. He certainly isn’t an abusive jerk, but he’s not exactly great either. His big problem lay in the flippant way he treats relationships and dumps others without a care. However, there is some hope for him, as he is a generally decent person, just not the ideal candidate for a long-term relationship. Choi Heesung has a good chunk of growing to do, and he might just get there.
6. Daehyung

Daehyung is one of the older Team Black fighters. He shows a lot of loyalty to the team and Joo Jaekyung. He is a good person who treats others with respect and care. His interactions with Kim Dan and the other Team Black members are great examples. However, Daehyung just doesn’t always show that loyalty and care to the best people.
5. Coach Jeong Yosep

Coach Jeong Yosep is one of the few people who can keep Joo Jaekyung in line. He hasn’t done too much in the story. However, what he has done in Jinx is shown that he is a decent guy. He hasn’t done anything bad, but he hasn’t quite done anything really great. That puts him pretty decisively in the middle of the rankings. Jeong Yosep is an ok characters who gets an ok ranking.
4. Coach Park Namwook

Coach Park Namwook is similar to Coach Jeong Yosep. He gets a slightly higher ranking for being a good dad and because he will put people in their place when they need a huge reality check. He has a very satisfying scene at the end of Season 1 that also definitely elevates him on this list. In addition, he takes good care of his team and employees.
3. Hwang Yoon-Gu aka Potato

Hwang Yoon-Gu, nicknamed Potato by the team, gets the number 3 spot. He is a bit naive, but he has a heart of gold. He knows when he’s made a mistake and will apologize, making him a green flag. Hwang Yoon-Gu has shown his conviction in what he believes is right after the fallout of Team Black and is willing to defend those who need the help. He is a good Potato.
2. Kim Dan

Kim Dan gets the award for “Best Boy” in Jinx. He tries so hard to take care of his sick grandmother, pay off his debts, and weather the storm that is his life while still being the nicest person to everyone around him. Kim Dan will try to see the good in others even if they don’t deserve it. Now if only he had better taste in men.
1. Grandma

Kim Dan’s grandmother is a saint who wants her grandson to be happy. We support a grandparent lovingly raising grandkids who don’t have parents in the picture. She has shown that even on her death bed, she will do her best to support Kim Dan even if all she can do is find the nearest TV in the hospital to make everyone watch a MMA match for a possible glimpse of her grandson.
Jinx maybe on a hiatus for now but find out what we know about Jinx chapter 54’s release.
Published: May 18, 2024 8:50 AM UTC