Australian studio Auran announced today that players will be able to access all of the game content from its upcoming PvP MMOG, Fury, for free. Rather than restrict non-paying customer, or “Heroes,” to free areas and lesser equipment, Auran will restrict them to a slightly lesser game experience.
Paying players, “Immortals,” will gain the following extras: quick travel in the “sanctuaries and schools,” VoIP talk privileges, one additional “item roll slot,” extended “rested gold bonus,” selling privileges at the auction house, priority log-in queuing, entry into weekly and seasonal ladder matches, personal player battle statistics, in-game customer service access, and elite access to the test server to preview new content.
Auren CEO Tony Hilliam said, “Fury is a game that blends elements from different genres; the pace and adrenaline rush from FPS games; the depth of character customization from RPGs; and the social and virtual economy aspects from [MMOGs]. Therefore we wanted to make sure that our business model took into account the different expectations of various player types.”
Fury is currently in close beta. The game will cost $49.99 and includes one month of “Immortal” status. Subscription fees will be $9.99 if players wish to continue receiving the perks of immortality. More information about Fury and Auran can be found on the company’s official site.
Published: Aug 10, 2007 02:26 pm