For players seeking heightened difficulty, Baldur’s Gate 3 includes a particularly punishing feature. Limiting the player to one save file, the mode deletes that file if the entire party dies. To cope with the challenge of Honor Mode in Baldur’s Gate 3, players really need to consider their character builds.
More than just altering how saving works, Honor Mode also noticeably increases the difficulty of bosses to make the possibility of permadeath all the more likely. Here is how to build the best characters suited to endure the gauntlet of Honor Mode in Baldur’s Gate 3 and live to tell the tale.
Best Builds for Honor Mode in BG3
Life Domain Cleric

This should go without saying, but the increased difficulty and added wrinkle of permadeath in Honor Mode makes healers crucial for any party. As such, the inclusion of a cleric, particularly one heavily invested in the Life Domain subclass, is a no-brainer to help the party in a pinch. Players should invest in wisdom to help with medicine, perception, and survivalist-oriented skill checks, as well as constitution to increase the healer’s own base health rather than run the risk of them falling in combat first.
Healing Word and Sanctuary are among the key spells Life Domain Clerics should acquire, but what’s particularly crucial in this mode is Revivify and Mass Healing Word. As the name suggests, Mass Healing Word can heal up to six characters at once, while Revivify can revive or resurrect any fallen party member, albeit with only one health point upon their revival. These spells keep the party from being overwhelmed as they face the tougher bosses, which can deplete health at an absurdly fast rate.
Storm Sorcerer/Tempest Domain Cleric

For those looking to focus more on offensive magic, Sorcerers specializing in the Storm Sorcery subclass are worth strong consideration in Honor Mode. Storm Sorcerers saving throws are governed by charisma and constitution, with the former making them the natural persuaders when faced with charisma checks mid-dialog. That said, points should also be invested in intelligence and dexterity to create a more rounded magic user.
Though the majority of character leveling for this build should be put into the Storm Sorcerer subclass, at least two levels should be invested in the Tempest Domain Cleric subclass. This multiclass build complements the Storm Sorcerer subclass beautifully, providing a boost to damage per second (DPS) through the Tempest Domain’s Channel Divinity spell. A smooth talker with the electric damage to back it up, this multiclass build is a great addition to any party.
Berserker Barbarian
Sometimes it takes a beast to stop a beast, and there are few builds in Baldur’s Gate 3 more formidable than a properly assembled Berserker Barbarian. Berserker is a subclass within the Barbarian class that serves as the ultimate tank, able to withstand and dole out a significant amount of damage, albeit at the risk of going completely reckless with rage and frenzy. After becoming enraged and frenzied, Berserker Barbarians are capable of carrying out bonus attacks, gain a boost to melee damage, and a ranged throwing attack.
Berserker Barbarian saving throws are governed by strength and constitution, with a greatsword as their preferred weapon and cloth armor as their preferred armor, so keep this in mind when building the character. Given the Berserker Barbarian’s propensity to leap headfirst into combat, make sure they have plenty of increases to their base health to avoid them becoming a glass cannon. When in battle, have your healers keep an eye on the Berserker Barbarian to make sure they receive the attention they need to stay in the fight.
Battle Master Fighter

For those looking for a more refined and reserved approach to combat, the Battle Master Fighter is a better fit than the Berserker Barbarian. Unlike the Berserker Barbarian, the Battle Master Fighter can wear most heavy armors without significant penalties, giving crucial added protection for Honor Mode. Within the Battle Master subclass, the Fighter gains three attacks per action through the Improved Extra Attack feat.
Though the Battle Master Fighter doesn’t quite match up to the Berserker Barbarian in terms of raw damage output, it still packs an impressive punch, handling crowd control efficiently. The Battle Master subclass also grants several debuff feats and spells, making even the deadliest enemies more manageable. Like Barbarians, the Fighter’s primary ability is governed by strength, so plan accordingly during the character build.
Gloom Stalker/Assassin
The Ranger/Rogue combination is already one of the best multiclass builds in Baldur’s Gate 3, no matter what game mode the player is experiencing. This particular build, combining the Ranger’s Gloom Stalker subclass and Rogue’s Assassin subclass packs one of the strongest punches in the game, with high DPS and a higher chance for critical hits. Players should consider investing their first five levels into the Rogue class, with the remaining seven levels into the Ranger.
The Ranger’s mastery of ranged weapons means they can fight from a safer distance than a party’s tanks, with the Rogue’s natural dexterity making them evasive. The Rogue’s skills also help the character pick locks, detect traps, and successfully land sneak attacks which deal a significant amount of damage. Using the hide feat, this build can conceal themselves and deal sneak attacks with ranged weapons to land devastating hit after devastating hit.
Of course, you’re always free to put your party together however you wish, but if you’re thinking of taking on the significant challenge of Honor Mode in Baldur’s Gate 3, you really should consider one or more of these character builds.
Published: Feb 6, 2024 4:16 AM UTC