Along with the powerful season pass card Hope Summers, Marvel Snap is also getting a high-rolling, fun card in the bubbly Pixie. While she may not become a meta staple, she looks like one of the highest-rolling cards in the game. Here are the best Pixie decks in Marvel Snap.
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How Does Pixie Work in Marvel Snap?
Pixie is a 2-Cost, 1-Power card with an ability that reads: “On Reveal: Shuffle the Costs of all cards in your deck that started there.”
This means that every card will swap its cost with another card in your deck. A 0-Cost Wasp will swap with a 6-Cost Infinaut, though at the same time, a 6-Cost Infinaut and a 6-Cost Arnim Zola can also swap with one another, leading to no effect – it’s entirely random.
Do note that the cards have to still be in your deck as well, meaning that as Pixie is a 2-Power card, you’ll likely have 7 cards in the deck after drawing 5. Those 7 cards still in your deck will be shuffled, not the cards in your hand.
Mobius M. Mobius will simultaneously keep your lower-Cost cards from increasing while, if played against you, completely negating Pixie’s effect. Mirror matches of Pixie decks will come down to whether or not you and your opponent play him.
Thanos’ Infinity Stones also do NOT work with Pixie. We’ve updated the best decks below to reflect this.
Best Pixie Decks in Marvel Snap
As Pixie’s effect is wholly unique and entirely random, it’s difficult to pinpoint her best decks in Marvel Snap. She’s like a Mr. Negative with more deck-building consideration, as you can fill your deck with only a couple of high-cost cards alongside low-cost cards in hopes that she’ll hit more often than not. However, said deck also has to be able to work if you do not draw Pixie by turn 2. That said, she fits quite well into this Lockjaw Beta Ray Bill deck:

- Yellowjacket
- Wasp
- Pixie
- Armor
- Mobius M. Mobius
- Thor
- Lockjaw
- Beta Ray Bill
- Jane Foster The Mighty Thor
- Odin
- Magneto
- Giganto/The Infinaut
This deck has the highest amount of 0 cost cards possible to play either into Lockjaw to pull big cards like Magneto while also buffing up Thor and Beta Ray Bill. A similar deck with a pre-nerfed Darkhawk did very well last season, so it stands to reason that Pixie may find a great home here, as she’ll often swap 0 costs with other cards. Mobius M. Mobius once again allows swapped low cost cards to remain cheap; as a result, it’s often possible to play a discounted Odin alongside a Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. Jane Foster can also pull swapped cards from your deck that cost 0 ahead of the final turn of the game.
Now, if you want to play it a bit less safely, a deck that combines several low-cost cards with high-cost cards in equal measure will provide a similar gameplay style as Mr. Negative – Snap early if you have Pixie and plenty of low-cost cards in the deck still and retreat if you do not. Here’s a list:

- Wasp
- Yellowjacket
- Spider-Ham
- Nico Minoru
- Pixie
- Mobius M. Mobius
- Hope Summers
- Vision
- Alioth
- Doctor Doom
- Odin
- Magneto
Once again, Mobius M. Mobius is an integral card to the best Pixie decks in Marvel Snap that, if in hand and played after Pixie, means you have quite a lot of flexibility heading into the mid and late-game of a match. Hope Summers, the season pass card releasing at the same time as Pixie, slots in well into this deck because if Pixie isn’t played, she can help ramp out a Doctor Doom followed up by an Odin on turns 5 and 6 for an alternative win condition.
Related: Best Corvus Glaive Decks in Marvel Snap
Pixie Counters in Marvel Snap
For the first little bit after Pixie’s release, consider slotting a Mobius M. Mobius into your deck because the TVA agent completely shuts her down. Snapping after your opponent plays Pixie with Mobius in hand is almost always a great idea. After the first week or two, she likely won’t become a meta staple that you’ll run into every few games, and even then, she requires your opponent to have a pretty good hand and get lucky with the cost-swapping within their deck. It’s best to retreat if your opponent plays Pixie on turn 2 and you do not have a powerful answer.
Who Is Pixie?
Pixie, also known as Megan Gwynn, is a less well-known but constant background member of the X-Men. After M-Day, in which Scarlet Witch stripped most mutants of their powers, Pixie was one of the few who retained hers. She’s half-mutant and half-pixie, meaning quite a lot of her powers are magical in nature. Along with her fairy-like wings giving her the ability to fly, she’s known for casting teleportation spells – which is likely where she gets her Marvel Snap ability from – along with throwing pixie dust that causes people to hallucinate cute, cuddly things.
Is Pixie Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?
If you’re looking to use your resources to ensure you have plenty of competitive decks to play, then no, Pixie is not worth either Spotlight Cache Keys or the 6000 Collector’s Tokens that she costs at this time. Like Mr. Negative, her decks will be incredibly unpredictable, often leading to several matches in a row where she does not have the desired effect. She’s also easily countered by Mobius M. Mobius, which, while not an uncommon card, will only see an increase in play if Pixie does become somewhat of a meta threat.
And those are the best Pixie decks in Marvel Snap, along with some other important facts about the character and how to counter her. Marvel Snap is available now on mobile and PC
Published: Mar 6, 2024 6:28 PM UTC