Following Misery, we’ve got another emotion-themed Symbiote joining Marvel Snap: Scorn. While Scorn has the potential to grow quite large for a 1-drop card, it works with one type of deck, making it a difficult choice whether to pick it up. Here are the best Scorn decks in Marvel Snap.
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How Scorn Works in Marvel Snap
Scorn is a 1-cost, 2-power card with an ability that reads: “When you discard this, return it to your hand and give +2 Power to itself and one of your cards in play.”
The first part of Scorn is fairly straightforward: when discarded, Scorn will return to your hand with +2 extra power. This effect can trigger any number of times.
However, Scorn will also bestow +2 power to a random card on your side of the board as well. This effect can also trigger any number of times, making one hit with Scorn effectively a 1-cost, 6-power card after she’s played.
As a 1-cost card, Scorn’s best friend is Colleen Wing.
Best Scorn Decks in Marvel Snap
Let’s get the obvious out of the way – Scorn fits right into an Apocalypse-style discard list that is already quite powerful and meta-relevant. The latest Symbiote simply takes the place of Meek and makes this deck even better. I’m going to spice things up a little with a Helacarrier list, but you can drop Helicarrier for Swarm. Here’s the list:
- Scorn
- Blade
- Morbius
- The Collector
- Colleen Wing
- Gambit
- Lady Sif
- Dracula
- Proxima Midnight
- Apocalypse
- Helicarrier
Click here to copy this list from Untapped.
The only Series 5 card in this list other than Scorn is Proxima Midnight, and I’d argue she’s irreplaceable. At lower collection levels, it’s probably fine not to run her – but if you’re trying to climb the ladder, she’s one of the best cards in this list.
You’ve played/played against a standard Discard before, and Helicarrier discard isn’t much different. Hit Helicarrier with Morbius and The Collector on board and win as long as your opponent doesn’t have Shadow King or Shang-Chi. Hitting Scorn with Blade, Colleen Wing, Gambit, and MODOK is a great way to further grow power on these smaller cards in your list along with Scorn herself. This makes her a great final turn play alongside some of your smaller discard-enablers, leaving your hand free for Dracula to proc Apocalypse.
With a standard discard list out of the way, where do you go from here with Scorn? I honestly do not believe she fits well into any other list, including Hela. That said, there is one other list that runs discard cards that aren’t Hela – Black Bolt and Stature. Take a look:
- Scorn
- X-23
- Blade
- Colleen Wing
- Swarm
- Gambit
- Killmonger
- Daken
- Wong
- Silver Samurai
- Black Bolt
- Stature
Click here to copy this list from Untapped.
There are no Series 5 cards in this list to worry about other than Scorn.
This list is far more complicated to play than standard discard, but it’s still one of the best Scorn decks in Marvel Snap. With Colleen Wing, you’ll want to hit Scorn with the likes of X-23 or Daken on board to increase their power. Silver Samurai helps discard either X-23 or Scorn as well, and when any of your discard enablers, including Gambit, are thrown into Wong, you have a potentially powerful play on your hand with Scorn being discarded and your opponent’s cards being destroyed. Careful not to nuke Scorn with your Killmonger.
Consistent? Not at all. But is this deck fun? Most definitely.
Related: Best Agent Venom Decks in Marvel Snap
Scorn Counters in Marvel Snap
Scorn is incredibly hard to counter as she receives buffs in-hand. A well-timed Killmonger can help with that, but it won’t help with the buffs she provided to other cards. Shadow King can negate those buffs, but at that point, you’re investing so many resources to fight against a 1-cost card. More likely, you’re going to want to counter discard decks specifically; hit them with a Cosmo or fill their hand with rocks or a Widow’s Bite from Black Widow.
Is Scorn Worth Your Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?
If you’re a discard enjoyer, yes – Scorn is a must-have card, as she’ll raise an already consistently great deck to greater heights. Her power is immense, but developer Second Dinner has restricted her to one archetype only. If you do not often play discard, then you can safely skip Scorn. She’s releasing alongside Hope Summers and Sebastian Shaw, which you might already have. While she’ll likely get stronger in the future, I would personally wait to nab her in a future Spotlight Cache alongside another new card.
And those are the best Scorn decks in Marvel Snap.
Marvel Snap is available to play now.
Published: Oct 15, 2024 12:30 PM UTC