Warwick is an apex predator in the Jungle in League of Legends (LoL). He’s fast and can easily hunt down enemies for some solid gank potential. In this guide, we’ll be going over how best to build Warwick to have players shaking in their boots.
Best Warwick Jungle Build in League of Legends (LoL)
While Warwick isn’t the most meta pick in Jungle right now, he’s still very strong. With an average win rate of 52%, his potential is nothing to sneeze at.
Best Warwick Runes in LoL
Primary Runes – Precision
- Press the Attack – Thanks to Warwick’s naturally fast attack speed, you can easily trigger the bonus 180 Adaptive damage from Press the Attack every three hits. This also then makes that Champion vulnerable so that they take 8% increased damage from all sources, which means any target you use your Ultimate to shred will die quickly, especially in a team fight!
- Triumph – Health sustain and gold gain when you get takedowns.
- Legend: Alacrity – Attack Speed that starts at 3% and stacks with each kill and can stack up to an extra 15%.
- Last Stand – Increased damage on lower HP. Warwick isn’t the tankiest, but he has great sustain, so he’ll often survive on lower HP for a while to take advantage of this extra damage.
Secondary Runes – Inspiration
- Magical Footwear – Gives you a free pair of boots that you can earn sooner if you get some takedowns going.
- Future’s Market – You can go into a slightly negative balance to help you buy items you’re just shy of affording.
- Offense – Extra Attack Apeed.
- Flex – Extra Attack Damage.
- Defense – Extra Armor.
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Best Summoner Spells, Bans and Skill Priority for Warwick in LoL
Summoner Spells
Choose Flash and Smite as your Summoner Spells. It’s standard setup for Warwick, which is the most effective for his kit overall.
Tough Matchups
Look to ban out Ekko or Hecarim during the picks and bans phase of Champion select. Both of these Junglers pose the greatest threat to Warwick, and he’ll have a tough time dealing with them in the Jungle.
Skill Priority
Level up W -> Q -> E in that order or priority to make Warwick as effective at ganking and chasing down enemies as possible.
Best Item Build for Warwick in LoL
- Starting Item: Scorchclaw Pup – Warwick already has excellent sustain thanks to his Q, so we’re able to take this item to have better ganks throughout the game thanks to its slowing effect on enemy Champions.
- Core Item: Blade of the Ruined King – This item is wild on Warwick and should be built first, even over his Mythic item. It grants a ton of Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Life Steal, as well as dealing extra damage based on the target’s HP. The secondary effect deals even more bonus damage and steals Movement Speed from the target, making it hard for enemies to get away from you.
- Boots: Mercuries Treads – Stuns, slows, and disables are Warwick’s worst enemy. These boots make those effects last 30% less time on you, which is important for keeping Warwick in the fight.
- Mythic Item: Jak’Sho, The Protean – This Mythic Helmet gives Warwick some much-needed tankiness to work with. He gains all the main defense stats, plus some extra Ability Haste to be able to use his abilities more often, which is nice. The item’s passive ability grants stacking Armor and Magic Resistance and drains life from nearby enemies, damaging them and healing Warwick.
- Fourth Item: Titanic Hydra – Deals AOE damage based on your HP and adds cleave damage to your attacks to make fighting groups of enemies easier.
- Fifth item: Thornmail if the enemies are AD heavy or Spirit Visage if they are AP heavy – Both a great tanking items to build out Warwick’s ability to stay in the fight.
- Final item: Sterak’s Gage – This gives you a shield against large bursts of damage, which are pretty common in the late game. This will help you survive really well and increase your damage output at the same time.
That’s the best Warwick Jungle build in LoL. He’s a pretty under-rated Champion at the moment. With a build like this, though, you’ll find yourself having a huge impact on your games.
Published: Nov 30, 2023 1:34 PM UTC