Watch Walter White’s downfall in the highest of high def.
If you haven’t yet watched Breaking Bad — or even if you have — you can now stream all five seasons from Netflix in full 4k resolution. This ultra high definition will let you experience the tragedy all over again, but with a crystal clear picture that puts 1080p to shame. Of course you’ll need a 4k TV that can display at this resolution and — perhaps more problematic — an ISP that can support the sort of bandwidth (25 megabits per second) needed to stream at that quality. That’s five times the bandwidth Netflix recommends for streaming in HD, and with most American ISPs having trouble keeping up with the rising bandwidth use of streaming video that’s probably the going to be the catch.
Breaking Bad joins House of Cards to become the second show Netflix streams in 4k, with more Netflix original content likely to follow. Hey, Netflix, can we request Orange Is the New Black next?
Source: The Verge
Published: Jun 18, 2014 12:26 am