The Easter eggs in Call of Duty: Zombies have always been hard, and I’ve been writing about these overly-complicated puzzles for plenty of years now, but this single step probably takes the cake as the most needlessly complex. Unless you’re well acquainted with chemical compounds, this still might seem practically impossible to solve on your own.
Thanks to the Call of Duty community, the solutions are pretty clear. Here, I’ll explain everything you need to know about that single step — including ingredient locations. Check out the links below for a full guide for the main Easter egg, where we cover all those other puzzles.
More Attack of the Radioactive Thing! Zombies guides on The Escapist:
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – Complete Easter Egg Guide | All Steps
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How to Mix Chemical Compounds
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Turn On Power
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Unlock the Pack-A-Punch
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Summon Elvira | Celebrity Guide
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Upgrade the M.A.D. Wonder Weapon
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Double Pack-A-Punch
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Unlock Fast Travel Teleporters
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Play As Elvira | Secret Character Guide
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – Secret Song Easter Egg Guide
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – How To Craft Every Buildable | Locations Guide
- Zombies: Attack of the Radioactive Thing – Special Melee Weapons | Locations Guide
How To Mix Chemical Compounds
NOTE: Most of this guide is reprinted from our main Easter egg guide. This article contains more information, including locations for the Chemical Station parts and chemical ingredients.
As you progress in the main Easter egg, eventually you’ll be able to gain the Gas Station Key. The key is acquired after collecting all six Zombie parts (Head, Torso, x2 Arms, x2 Legs) and using the Spawn Room computer to transmogrify your zombie cadaver into a key.
The key unlocks the garage door to the Gas Station, where you’ll find a bomb and an empty work table. Before you start mixing up chemicals, you’ll need to find the three Chemical Station components scattered around the map.
- Chem Station Part #1: Found on the couch in the back office of the Beachside Market.
- Chem Station Part #2: A huge piece of computer equipment on the high hill overlooking the beach. Find the covered seating spots with benches — this part is massive, it covers the entire table.
- Chem Station Part #3: On the bench in the covered seating area in the Trailer Park.
Next, you’ll need to find audio logs spread across the map that contain the name of the chemical compound you need to mix. These are large boxes with rolls of audio tape inside. Interact (with a battery in your inventory, acquired by killing zombies) to activate them.
There are multiple audio logs, but there’s only one you absolutely need. Each log will talk about chemical compounds, but ignore everything — only listen for when the Doctor states that a certain compound is absolutely required to end the crisis with the Radioactive Beast.
- Audio Log #1 Located in the alley behind the Gas Station.
- Audio Log #2 On the Beach path leading to the Trailer Park.
- Audio Log #3 Found on the couch in the Motel Reception Office.
- Audio Log #4 In the TV Station with Elvira.
- Audio Log #5 Around the Power Switch area, near the blue Port-O-John.
Some audio logs may require a BATTERY. Zombies will randomly drop batteries when killed. Insert the battery into the tape recorder to continue listening.
Only one of these audio logs will reveal the compound you need to create to finally defeat the Radioactive Thing. Listen for one of the following compounds randomly chosen each game.
- 3-Methyl-2, 4-Di Nitrobenzen
- Octa-Hydro-2, 5-Nitro-3, 4/7-Para-Zocine
- 3/4-Di-Nitroxy-Methyl-Propane
- 1/3/5-Tetra-Nitra-Phenol
To create one of these four compounds, you’ll need to work backwards — these are the end points, but you’ll need to combine multiple different compounds to finally create each killer recipe.
Here’s how to mix every recipe. This is going to be long, use CTRL+F to search for your specific recipe. Scroll down to the bottom of the article for ingredient locations.
How To Cook – 3-Methy-l/2, 4-Di Nitrobenzen
- Mix #1: Drain Cleaner + Paint + Detergent = Methlybenzene
- Mix #2: Methylbenzene + Baking Soda + Vinegar + Detergent = Dinitro
- Final Mix: Dinitro + Racing Fuel = 3-Methy-l/2, 4-Di Nitrobenzen
How To Cook – Octa-Hydro-2, 5-Nitro-3, 4/7-Para-Zocine
- Mix #1: Racing Fuel + Quarters = Formaldehyde
- Mix #2: Formaldehyde + Glass Cleaner = Hexamine
- Final Mix: Hexamine + Vinegar + Plant Food + Detergent = Octa-Hydro-2, 5-Nitro-3, 4/7-Para-Zocine
How To Cook – 3/4-Di-Nitroxy-Methyl-Propane
- Mix #1: Vodka + Pennies = Acetaldehyde
- Mix #2: Quarters + Racing Fuel = Formaldehyde
- Mix #3: Acetaldehyde + Formaldehyde = Aldehyde Sludge
- Final Mix: Aldehyde Sludge + Nail Polish Remover = 3/4-Di-Nitroxy-Methyl-Propane
How To Cook – 1/3/5-Tetra-Nitra-Phenol
- Mix #1: Motor Oil + Insect Repellant + Wheel Cleaner = Phenol
- Mix #2: Phenol + Drain Cleaner = Phenolsulfonic Acid
- Final Mix: Phenolsulfonic Acid + Detergent = 1/3/5-Tetra-Nitra-Phenol
Mixing the compounds together isn’t as easy as you might think. You can’t just combine the compounds at the Chemical Station — no, there’s much more to it than that.
How to Mix The Chemical Recipes
Now that you have the Chemical Station built, collected all the ingredients, and found which of the four recipes you’ll need, it’s time to start mixing up compounds.
Place each ingredient on the table. It doesn’t matter which order, just that every required component is on the table. To mix, you’ll need to punch a code into the computer on the upper-right of the Chem Station.
To get the correct numbers, you’ll need to do some math and take some screenshots. First, let’s talk about where you’ll get the numbers you need.
There are six Chemical Boards spread across the map. Each chemical board has a list of different ingredients, with four numbers in a diamond shape to the right of each ingredient.
Ignore the numbers for now. To collect the numbers, you’ll need to take screenshots with your phone or use PS4 / Xbox One functionality, and get close enough so that you can see the set of four numbers next to each ingredient entry.
Here’s where to find all six Chemical Boards…
- Chem Board #1: Out front, near the front door (parking lot entrance) to Elvira’s TV Studio, next to Bang Bangs.
- Chem Board #2: Inside the Spawn Area Quarantine Zone, down the hallway.
- Chem Board #3: In the alley behind the Beachside Market.
- Chem Board #4: On the beach. When facing the Thing, look on the left rocks near the water.
- Chem Board #5: Along an RV in the Trailer Park area.
- Chem Board #6: Inside the Gas Station garage, to the left of the Chemical Station.
NOTE: The proper colors will ONLY appear if you look at the Chem Boards with the correct color filter enabled. Figure out which color filter you need to activate in STEP #9.
Got all that? The numbers next to each ingredient change every game, so it’s important you take screenshots of each and refer back to them later.
When mixing up a formula, find each ingredient on the boards, and ADD THE TOP AND LEFT NUMBERS. Ignore the bottom and right numbers. They’re useless.
The equation for each compound works like this…
- Ingredient Number = TOP Chem Board Number + LEFT Chem Board Number
The “O” Symbol (With a Line in the Top / Bottom) is the only number you need to remember from STEP #9.
- In our example, “O” = 8.
- Let’s say, for example, our recipe is “Motor Oil + Insect Repellant + Drain Cleaner.”
- In our color filtered screenshots of the Chem Boards, adding the top + left numbers for Motor Oil equals 13. Insect Repellant equal 6, and Drain Cleaner equals 16.
- So, the equation is…
EXAMPLE: Motor Oil (13) + Insect Repellant (6) + Drain Cleaner (16) – “O” Symbol (8) = 27.
So, in our example, you would input 27 into the Chemical Station computer. If the number is correct, the ingredients will combine into a compound and appear on the table to the right in the garage.
Complete this for all 3-4 steps of the recipe to create your final chemical compound.
Chemical Ingredient Locations
Each recipe requires certain ingredients to complete. Here’s all the ingredients you need, and their locations, listed for each individual recipes.
Ingredient Locations – 3-Methy-l/2, 4-Di Nitrobenzen
- Drain Cleaner: RV Trailer Park – Found inside the public restrooms.
- Paint: Near the Racing Stripes perk machine. Look for grey paint cans.
- Detergent: Seaside Market – Directly opposite the Vodka display.
- Baking Soda: Seaside Market – In the center aisle of the market through the Tuff Nuff door, look for a box laying on its side on the left.
- Vinegar: Seaside Market – On a table visible when entering the Market from the Spawn area, seen before the market office. Look for a dark brown bottle.
- Racing Fuel: Gas Station – In the back alley behind the Gas Station, to the left of the beach path. Look for a light grey container.
Ingredient Locations – Octa-Hydro-2, 5-Nitro-3, 4/7-Para-Zocine
- Racing Fuel: Gas Station – In the back alley behind the Gas Station, to the left of the beach path. Look for a light grey container.
- Quarters: Melee any pay phone with the Crowbar melee weapon, found in the Crafting Bench room near the Motel Pool.
- Glass Cleaner: Seaside Market – On the further aisle of the market, marked with a “Holly’s” sign.
- Detergent: Seaside Market – Directly opposite the Vodka display.
- Plant Food: Next to the Quickies perk machine.
- Vinegar: Seaside Market – On a table visible when entering the Market from the Spawn area, seen before the market office. Look for a dark brown bottle.
Ingredient Locations – 3/4-Di-Nitroxy-Methyl-Propane
- Vodka: Seaside Market – Near the Card Refill, in the left display as you enter. Tall-necked bottles.
- Pennies: Seaside Market – Attack the blue cash register with the Crowbar melee weapon to spawn pennies.
- Quarters: Melee any pay phone with the Crowbar melee weapon, found in the Crafting Bench room near the Motel Pool.
- Racing Fuel: Gas Station – In the back alley behind the Gas Station, to the left of the beach path. Look for a light grey container.
- Nail Polish Remover: Motel Pool – In the reception office near the Motel Pool. Look for a small yellow bottle with a pink label.
Ingredient Locations – 1/3/5-Tetra-Nitra-Phenol
- Motor Oil: Gas Station – Found inside the Gas Station garage.
- Wheel Cleaner: Seaside Market – Look for a purple spray bottle on the center aisle of the market.
- Insect Repellant: Spawn Room – To the right of Up N’ Atoms, on palettes of wood.
- Drain Cleaner: RV Trailer Park – Found inside the public restrooms.
- Detergent: Seaside Market – Directly opposite the Vodka display.
And that’s (just about) everything you need to know about mixing chemicals in Attack of the Radioactive Thing! We’re still working on figuring out this game’s weird secrets, so check back soon for updates, corrections and clarifications.
Published: Jul 10, 2017 05:41 pm