Warning: This Article Contains Spoilers For Deadpool & Wolverine. Sometimes you just want to know how things are going to end, and if you’re dying to learn the fates of Deadpool and Wolverine, here’s what you need to know.
How Does Deadpool & Wolverine End?

Deadpool & Wolverine ends with the pair of heroes surviving the fallout of Cassandra Nova’s Time Ripper exploits and Wolverine choosing to join Deadpool in his universe to live a peaceful life with a new family.
How Did We Get Here?
The ending of Deadpool & Wolverine sees Deadpool, Wolverine, Blade, Elektra, Gambit, and X-23 rush Cassandra Nova’s compound to subdue her powers and force her to send the heroes back to their universe.
Using Juggernaut’s helmet they can complete the first part of this plan, but are forced to take a chance removing the helmet which could result in either Nova instantly killing them, or helping them. This decision becomes easy for her when one of her allies, Pyro, shoots her on orders from the TVA member Paradox.
After the helmet is removed and her wounds are healed she chooses to send Deadpool and Wolverine back to the Merc with a Mouth’s universe using a Sling Ring which she acquired from a “magician.” The pair escape through the portal right as Alioth is about to devour the compound.
We then find out that Paradox plans to use a Time Ripper to destroy timelines at his own will, but now with this knowledge Cassandra Nova has new plans, she’s going to destroy everything. The villainess travels to Deadpool’s timeline where she manipulates Paradox and takes control of the Time Ripper. To defend her while she uses it she brings with her the Deadpool Corps, a group that consists of many Deadpool variants.
A battle then kicks off between Deadpool, Wolverine, and all of the Deadpool variants which only ends when Peter arrives lightening the mood and switching the focus for all of the variants. Deadpool and Wolverine then rush to Nova’s location to stop the Time Ripper.
Paradox reveals they can stop the machine, but it will come at the cost of someone’s existence. While the pair argue about who will make the sacrifice. Wolverine says no one will miss him while Deadpool’s motivation is to be a part of something bigger. Eventually, both make the sacrifice, being blown apart along with Nova and the machine, saving the timeline.
More of the TVA show up to confront Paradox for what he has done, but he denies doing anything wrong. This cover-up fails epicly when Deadpool and a now shirtless Wolverine stroll into the room to clear everything up. Paradox is then arrested and Deadpool asks the TVA to do what they can to bring back their friends from The Void.
In the closing moments, Deadpool convinces Wolverine to join his family and stay in his universe where he introduces him to Blind Al. We then get a nice moment with Deadpool and all of his family alongside Wolverine and X-23 enjoying each other’s company. That’s it.
What Comes Next?
Subverting expectations, Deadpool did not conclude the movie inside the main MCU timeline, however, given the multiverse travel we’ve seen it’s almost certain he will return there at some point. In fact, a flash forward with Thor might have already given that away.
Marvel Studios seems to have made the smart move to leave these characters in their own universe so that they won’t have a direct impact on other stories, but are always available to be called upon if needed.
We are almost certain this will not be the last appearance for Deadpool.
You can check out Deadpool & Wolverine in theaters now.
Published: Jul 26, 2024 12:27 AM UTC