Movies & TV

Did Star Wars: The Acolyte Retcon How Old Ki-Adi Mundi Is?

Star Wars: The Acolyte Episode 4, “Day,” featured a cameo from a well-known Jedi. This appearance was rather unexpected, as it was none other than Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi. But did The Acolyte really retcon how old Ki-Adi Mundi is?

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How Old Is Ki-Adi Mundi in Star Wars?

Ki-Adi Mundi’s appearnce in The Acolyte has some people thinking he was around before he was supposed to have been born. It’s difficult to pinpoint how old Mundi is supposed to be. In Legends, the Cereans (Mundi’s species) lived until around the age of 80 years old. With the Jedi being born in 93 BBY in the Legends timeline, it would have meant that he was in his 70s during the prequel trilogy.

Related: Is the Star Wars Prequels’ Ki-Adi-Mundi in The Acolyte?

However, before The Acolyte, there had been no official confirmation within any canon media to support his age in Legends. That gave the creators of The Acolyte the chance to bring him into the High Republic era of Star Wars. After his appearance in The Acolyte, it’s safe to say that he is well over 100 years old during the prequel trilogy. However, there still isn’t an exact age for him in Star Wars canon. Like many other long-lived characters within the Star Wars franchise, it seems that Mundi’s past will remain a mystery.

Did Star Wars: The Acolyte Retcon Ki-Adi Mundi?

Ki-Adi-Mundi in The Acolyte Season 1, Episode 4

The answer is a little vague. It could be argued that The Acolyte didn’t retcon Mundi’s age because it was never confirmed in Star Wars canon, only in Legends. The same goes for his species’ lifespan. At the same time, it could be argued that the show did retcon the character due to a line he said in The Phantom Menace, “Impossible. The Sith have been extinct for a millennium.”

Related: Has The Acolyte Already Retconned Star Wars’ Sith Canon?

If Mundi knew about a possible Sith when he was with the Jedi Order in The Acolyte, then it doesn’t make sense why he said they were extinct in The Phantom Menace. However, there are plenty of explanations for this. Perhaps it was so long ago that he simply forgot. Or, maybe something that has yet to be revealed in The Acolyte happened that prevents Mundi and other Jedi living at the time from learning about the threat. At the end of the day, there have been many retcons throughout Star Wars history, both big and small, and this one – if it turns out to be one – won’t be the last.

And that’s whether Star Wars: The Acolyte retconned how Ki-Adi Mundi is.

The Acolyte is streaming now on Disney+.

About the author

Lyna De Wit
Lyna is a freelance weekend writer at The Escapist, covering topics such as Star Wars, video games, and more. She has been active in the industry since 2023 and has previously written articles at Game Rant. Lyna is incredibly passionate about Star Wars, especially the animated shows such as The Bad Batch and Rebels. Outside of writing, Lyna enjoys spending time with her tabby cat, playing the next game of her ever growing backlog, tending to her plants, attempting to draw in her sketchbook, and of course, watching Star Wars.
Lyna De Wit
Lyna is a freelance weekend writer at The Escapist, covering topics such as Star Wars, video games, and more. She has been active in the industry since 2023 and has previously written articles at Game Rant. Lyna is incredibly passionate about Star Wars, especially the animated shows such as The Bad Batch and Rebels. Outside of writing, Lyna enjoys spending time with her tabby cat, playing the next game of her ever growing backlog, tending to her plants, attempting to draw in her sketchbook, and of course, watching Star Wars.

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