If you’ve played House Flipper on consoles before, especially current generation systems like the Xbox Series X|S or PlayStation 5, you may be accustomed to different graphics settings. Does House Flipper 2 have graphics options on these consoles, as well, or is it one size fits all?
Does House Flipper 2 Have Graphics or Fidelity Options?

As you can see from the screenshot above, there are only two Graphics Options available in House Flipper 2: Exposure and Field of View. While it can be scary to see a game such as this not offer any Graphics Options, you may be pleased to know that console performance is much better than expected. With all versions of the game running at 60FPS, you won’t need to worry about changing between different graphical options.
Above, you can see the graphical differences between the Xbox family of consoles — I tested the game on both consoles to test and verify how they ran and performed. While there are some slight graphical tweaks and changes between the two versions of the game to see how well they ran side-by-side and left my testing very pleased.
Related: Is House Flipper 2 on Nintendo Switch?
While the Series S is not as powerful as the Xbox Series X or the PlayStation 5, the ability to play the game at 60FPS with minimal downgrades is a wonderful thing for those who own this console. I’m glad this is the case, so I don’t need to worry about my wife stealing my Series X as she did with the original game now that she has her own Series S. Plus, with the upcoming multiplayer offerings, it’s the perfect game for the two of us to play.
House Flipper 2 is available now on PC, PlayStation 5, & Xbox Series X&S.
Published: Apr 10, 2024 9:05 PM UTC