After a suspenseful ending, Emio: The Smiling Man Chapter 6 is bound to be filled with even more mystery and mystique than ever. It’s time to get some more details surrounding the murder of Eisuke, and it all starts with Megumi.
Looking for a walkthrough for the previous chapter? You can find a link to that here: Emio: The Smiling Man Chapter 5 Walkthrough.
If you’re looking for a guide for the next chapter, follow this link: Emio: The Smiling Man Chapter 7 Walkthrough
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 – Morimoto Family Home
Ayumi has arrived at the home of Megumi Morimoto, one of Eisuke’s best friends. She’s been missing from school since the day before Eisuke was announced to be dead, and we need to figure out what’s going on here. We buzz the speaker, and Megumi’s mother will answer. You’ll be let into the home, and have a chance to speak with Megumi’s mother.
You’ll ask if now is a good time to chat, as you don’t want to be an inconvenience, and Megumi’s mother will gladly offer you any help she can give. You’ll want to start off this conversation with the Ask/Listen prompt. You’ll ask how Megumi is doing, and learn the following information:
- Megumi has locked herself in her room and won’t talk to anyone
This will add two prompts to Ask/Listen: About Megumi and Observations. Select About Megumi. You’ll learn she’s not sick, but rather, in shock and depressed. After this, you’ll receive a new prompt: About Eisuke. Use the Ask/Listen button to select this. You’ll learn the following:
- Megumi and Eisuke have been close since they were little
- Just like brother and sister
- They argued as much as siblings
Select Ask/Listen, About Eisuke again. Megumi’s Mother will say she doesn’t know much more about what happened, just what she has seen on the news. She’s afraid to speak with Eisuke’s mother about what happened. Now, select Observations to be asked if you have any information regarding the case. You can’t say much, though unfortunately.
Select Observations again, and she’ll mention that she knows Detectives must talk to a lot of people. She’ll just have a light conversation about it, and mention all she knows about Detectives is from what she’s seen on TV. After this, select About Megumi again.
Her mother will inform you that Megumi was not at school the day that Eisuke was discovered, which matches what we already learned in previous chapters. She told Megumi right away about what happened when the school informed her, as well. She went pale and started shaking before running into her room and locking herself in there. She’s been crying constantly and hasn’t been herself since the incident.
If you Ask/Listen About Megumi again, you’ll discover that she hasn’t been back to school since the incident, which also matches what we know. She hardly, if ever, even leaves her room at this point. Her mother has been leaving food by the door, but she won’t touch it or barely eats anything. Megumi also won’t talk to her mother or father about what happened.
Think about the situation, and you’ll recall the fact that Fukuyama mentioned that Megumi was feeling ill, but her mother made no such mention. Ask/Listen About Megumi again to ask her Mother if there was a reason why Megumi didn’t go to school the day before Eisuke was murdered, and she’ll mention that there was a possible cause for concern. Select Observations.
She mentioned that Megumi seemed depressed the day before the incident, and just stayed in her room then, too. She mentioned that Megumi seemed calmer the next day, took a bath, and decided to stay home from school. Ask About Megumi again to see if there was anything she was up to the day before.
Her mother will mention that there wasn’t anything that seemed off. Select Observations again, and her mother will mention that it may be an inconvenience for her daughter to be gone, with her being the class representative and all. She also mentions her Homeroom Teacher, who happens to be Fukuyama. Now may be the right time to ask about him. Select About Fukuyama.
She mentions that he spends a lot of time around his students, and after asking About Fukuyama again, she mentions that Fukuyama once gave Megumi a ride home because it was late. She makes the following notes about him:
- Polite
- Dependable
- Young
- Students seem to love him
She also mentions that Megumi has commented on the fact that he is handsome, like an actor from a TV show. Select the About Megumi option again, and her mother will mention that her daughter hasn’t done much talking until today. Select Ask/Listen again to ask how Megumi has been today.
Her mother will mention she finally came out of her room for a bit, around lunchtime. She took a shower, came out, and nodded when she was asked if she was hungry. Megumi then sat there, looking lost and sad. Her mother then turned on the TV, and it was on the channel that was broadcasting the same Urban Legends show as yesterday in the Utsugi Detective Agency office. She mentions that Megumi normally loves shows like this, so she left it on.
Apparently, Megumi was very interested in The Smiling Man. Megumi’s mother mentioned that they started talking about Eisuke, and she was about to flip the channel, but Megumi continued to watch before storming out of the room in a panic. Use Ask/Listen again, and her mother will mention she was careless to leave the program on.
Megumi refuses to respond to either of her parents, and her mother asks if there is anything we can do to help her. We should Think about what our options are here. We’ll tell her mother that there isn’t much that we can do for her now, but we reassure her that everything will be fine. We reassure her not to blame herself for anything that is going on, and to be patient with Megumi due to everything that has been happening.
Use the Look/Examine option to select the family photo to the right of Megumi’s Mothers head. You’ll comment that they look like a lovely family, and her mother will mention she’ll do what she can to make sure Megumi will smile like that again. Ask/Listen twice in a row. Her mother will mention that you’ve been a great help, and now Think about what to do next. You should probably leave and head back to the Utsugi Detective Agency. Select Travel, and select your destination.
Before you can leave, however, Megumi’s mother will mention that Kohei called Megumi last night. Select the Ask/Listen prompt and select About Kohei. Her mother will be quite surprised that you’ve heard about Kohei, and complement your skills as a detective. How flattering.
You’ll learn that Kohei, Megumi, and Eisuke would play together quite often as kids. Ask About Kohei again to see if they’ve spent any time together recently. You’ll learn that they were still close, but not as close as they once were. Continue asking about Kohei to learn more about him.
After this, select the Travel button once again and head back to Utsugi Detective Agency.
Chapter 6 – Utsugi Detective Agency
Ayumi will be greeted by the main character, and ask if there was anything that you learned about Megumi from her mother. Select Ask/Listen to explain the situation to the MC. Then, you’ll begin talking about a question that arose; what happened to Megumi the day before Eisuke’s body was found?
Ayumi mentions that she may need to speak with Fukuyama again regarding Megumi, and you’ll need to select an option. I would suggest picking the following:
- It’s probably worth talking to him again
Ayumi will agree with you, but she also thinks that it would be important for him to gather up more information first. He didn’t really have a lot of info for us last time, so that would likely be the best choice in this situation. Select Ask/Listen again, and Ayumi will mention that Megumi finally left her room this morning. She also mentions that Megumi saw the program about Urban Legends, and it sent her back into her room.
After this, Think about all of the information you’ve gathered so far. You’ll mention that you’re curious about what would have upset Megumi on the day of the murder before anyone knew what was happening. Ayumi will receive a phone call while discussing, with Fukuyama on the other line.
He’ll call to let Ayumi know that Megumi has gone missing. You both decide to go back to the Morimoto Family Home. You help search, but nobody has seen Megumi in the neighborhood. Ayumi mentions that you should go to Minami Daisan Junior High School.
Chapter 6 – Minami Daisan Junior High School (Night)
There are no students at the school, as it’s nighttime, but a few familiar faces soon walk into the frame. The Talkative Student and Quiet Student from previous chapters were walking past at the perfect time, it seems. You’ll call them over, and they mention that you’re “just in time”. They mention that a student from Cram School saw Megumi running by in her pajamas. She wouldn’t respond to anyone, and it’s speculated that she’s heading toward the bus stop.
She was last seen booking it toward the Bus Stop behind the school; the same one that the principal said to never go to at night. It’s near the Pumping Station, which is where Eisuke was found. They also mention that they saw Fukuyama looking “really freaked out”, and ran in the opposite direction of the bus stop. You run off toward the pumping station.
Chapter 6 – The Pumping Station (Night)
You arrive at the Pumping Station to see Kamihara, Kuze, Fukuyama, and Megumi. Megumi is alive and safe, but there are a few questions that we need to find out; why did Megumi run off? Why did she come to the spot where Eisuke was found? We’ll need to head to the Police Station if we want any answers.
Chapter 6 – The Police Station (Night)
You’ve safely gotten Megumi moved to the Police Station, and she’s surrounded by the Detectives, her mother, and Fukuyama. However, she still won’t speak to anyone. She’s going to be a tough nut to crack, but we can make it happen.
Use the Look/Examine option and select Megumi. You’ll see that she looks uncomfortable, and may not want to talk to the police about the whole situation that is going on. Select Ask/Listen to ask Detective Kuze if she wouldn’t mind letting you try to talk for a while. She’ll agree, and step aside. Unfortunately, this is also a dead end and doesn’t get us anywhere.
Select the Call/Engage option, and choose to speak to Ayumi. She’ll ask if she should try to speak to Megumi since they’re close in age, not a guy, and not a cop. You’ll take control of Ayumi as you ask Detective Kuze if you can speak to Megumi. Select Ask/Listen.
You’ll find that this will get you nowhere, either. Select Look/Examine and select your Surroundings. The picture will zoom out, and you should Think for a moment. You’ll mention being restless and fidgety, so Look/Examine Fukuyama. This will get Megumi talking, as she’ll ask Fukuyama if she knows “this lady”. He will explain that you went to school together and that Ayumi is working on Eisuke’s case.
After the camera zooms back into just Megumi, select Ask/Listen. Ayumi will begin trying to comfort Megumi. After she speaks with Megumi, she begins crying, and it appears that she’s finally ready to talk. Select Ask/Listen again, and Megumi will finally start speaking, announcing that she loved him, she really loved him.
And by him… it turns out that it’s Fukuyama. You’ll need to Ask/Listen About Fukuyama. Megumi will mention the same things she said to her mother earlier and say that’s why she fell in love with him. She also mentions that on “the day before”, she asked Mr. Fukuyama to meet her on the rooftop, where she told him how she felt.
The day before Eisuke was murdered, she confessed her love to her teacher, Mr. Fukuyama, and asked him to go out with her. Fukuyama mentions that the words “like” and “love” have awfully big meanings, and Megumi wants to know if he hates her. Fukuyama rejects her advances, and Megumi runs back into the school, only to discover that Eisuke was listening in on the whole thing. They fight, argue, and Megumi runs away, leaving Eisuke there heartbroken and distraught.
After this, the conversation will switch back to the room at hand, with the Main Character swapping places with Ayumi. Select the Ask/Listen prompt. She knew of Eisuke’s feelings toward her, and rather than reciprocating them back, her last conversation with him was an argument, something she feels awful about as she begins crying once more.
Detective Kuze will come into the picture and begin trying to comfort Megumi. A flashback will begin playing, showing young Junko after her and Makoto had gotten into an argument regarding the eggplant flowers from the previous chapters. She understands the pain that Megumi is feeling right now more so than anyone in the room.
After this moment has passed, select the Ask/Listen prompt to see why Megumi stayed home from school. She wanted to take some time to cool down and apologize to Eisuke, but knows she never can now. Select Ask/Listen, About Eisuke. Megumi initially thought that Eisuke committed suicide due to what she had said to him. You’ll receive a new prompt; About Megumi. Select this option twice.
Megumi will let you in on a secret; she saw Eisuke in a dream, and he said that she wasn’t acting like herself. She was hurting him from beyond, or so she thought. That’s what eventually got her to leave her room, only to be greeted by the television program. That’s when she learned that he didn’t kill himself, but rather that he was murdered. She’ll mention that she thought she did something even worse, but won’t elaborate further. We need to Think about what she just said there.
Select the Observations option to ask why she believes that Eisuke was killed by The Smiling Man, as well as more context on the “even worse” comment. She knows she made him cry because of what she said, and that’s what summoned The Smiling Man to visit him. Ask About Megumi to learn that she’s a fan of Urban Legends and that she knows that victims of the Smiling Man can’t get to heaven.
She mentions that she has to “recite the spell”, which will bring up a new prompt under the Ask/Listen option; Spell. Select this option. Megumi will mention that once someone dies, everyone around them is very sad. According to the Urban Legend, if she recites a spell at the murder scene, the Smiling Man will appear again, and she knows the spell she needs to say. If the Smiling Man appears, the spell will keep her safe and allow Eisuke’s spirit to get into heaven.
This explains why Megumi had left her room in the dead of night to go to the Pumping Station, but there are still questions to be asked. Ask/Listen about the Spell again to learn that she went there, but had forgotten the words to the spell. She had sat down and started crying, and The Smiling Man had appeared before her eyes.
Ask/Listen once again, and select The Smiling Man. She couldn’t remember the spell, so she just screamed and now believes that Eisuke is damned to never get to Heaven because of her. She will then begin crying once again, and Kamihara will mention that he heard her screaming when they arrived on the scene, but nobody was there besides her and Mr. Fukuyama. However, a small pathway is near the back of the pumping station, and someone may be able to squeeze through there.
Detective Kuze will mention that Kamihara should “bring the item”. It’s the paper bag from the Forensics Lab, and Megumi will confirm that The Smiling Man was wearing one exactly like it. This confirms that the cases from 18 years ago and the current case are connected in one way or another, and it’s time to return to Utsugi Detective Agency.
Chapter 6 – Utsugi Detective Agency (Night)
Once you return to the Detective Agency, you’ll need to review the information from the case that you discovered today. Select the Review option, and select the following answers:
- She watched the Talk Show
- Recite a spell
- Select: The Smiling Man, paper bag on his head with a smiling face drawn on it.
- Select: Tsubasa Fukuyama
- Select: Hiromi Morimoto
- Type: Suicide
- Select: The Smiling Man
- Select: The Smiling Man
You’ll exchange notes, and Ayumi will ask if the MC is planning on returning to the Police Station tomorrow to hopefully chat with Kamada about the Missing Man. You’ll mention that it’s bothersome that Kamada wasn’t there today regarding the Megumi situation. There’s also mention that you’re worried that he may be hiding something, but you’ll need to ask about it tomorrow.
Ayumi is going to return to speak with Megumi more about the situation and see more of her side of the story. Ayumi also mentions that she’s wondering when Mr. Utsugi will return and mentions that he disappears like this all the time.
Chapter 6 of Emio: The Smiling Man has officially been wrapped up, and it’s time to rest until the next day can start, and we can see what Kamada has to offer us at the police station.
Emio: The Smiling Man is available to play now on Nintendo Switch.
Published: Sep 4, 2024 05:29 pm