The Circle completely redefined reality TV when it premiered in January 2020. Derived from a British show of the same name, the show has become a bona fide hit over the course of six seasons. With a seventh now on the way, which season of The Circle was really the best?
The Circle Season 4
The Circle is known for introducing a number of vibrant and interesting personalities, and Season 4 was no exception. Nearly everything that came out of the mouth of flamboyant Frank was hilarious, and Yu Ling Wu was without a doubt one of the most colorful characters (literally) to ever grace the show. The season also hearkened back to a previous season with Trevor entering the competition late in the later episodes. His face was instantly familiar to fans, as his wife famously catfished as him in an earlier season. Interestingly enough, Trevor also entered the show as a catfish.
Perhaps the biggest draw of the season was the inclusion of two Spice Girls playing together as a catfish. This was revealed to the other players well before the end of the season, changing the entire vibe. For a time, the primary concern of the contestants was determining who was actually the hidden celebrities. While this was an interesting twist, it also felt like a distraction that took away from the player interactions viewers really wanted to see.
The Circle Season 6
The latest season of The Circle proudly touted one of the show’s most interesting ideas to date: the introduction of an “AI contestant.” However, the execution of this idea fell noticeably flat for a few reasons. For one, the players found out about the AI too quickly. This created the same issue seen in Season 4, with the contestants more concerned about the AI than playing the game. Additionally, the AI did not stay in the game long enough to make much of a difference in, well, anything.
With the inclusion of AI in society being such a hot topic, this had massive potential to be a socially relevant experiment. It would have been truly interesting (and a little terrifying) to see how well the AI could have made real people believe it was human. Also, ads implied that the AI would play a much larger role in the show, leaving viewers quite likely feeling disappointed.
The Circle Season 5
Although The Circle Season 5 brought a new feel to the show (with all the contestants being single), it also returned to the more genuine feel of the earlier seasons. While there was much more flirting this time around (as well as a very awkward triangle), the focus also returned to the theme of diversity and acceptance that was prevalent early in the show.
A highlight of the show was the inclusion of Raven, the show’s first deaf contestant. Even more impressive was how she was presented. On the show, the blue-haired diva was a sexy, fun-loving woman who just happened to be deaf. However, her romantic involvement with another player ultimately brought the season down. The relationship drama proved overwhelming, and took away from the dynamic of the other players. Even with the return of a first season favorite, Season 5 ended up feeling more like a reality dating show instead of what viewers had come to expect of the Netflix social experiment.
The Circle Season 3

The Circle Season 3 continued building on what the first two seasons had already established, namely that this is a very unique show. While it is a competition, it is also a show that celebrates and accepts people’s differences. Adhering to this theme, the show introduced Ruksana, who lives with a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia. She was nonetheless fully accepted by the other players, who openly admired both her beauty and outgoing personality.
Season 3 had just as much drama as previous seasons, with plenty of twists thrown in for good measure. One such moment involved the infamous cloning of Michelle that ended up getting her eliminated. However, this season also featured some of the best and most heartwarming conversations of the series. Serious and sometimes emotional topics were discussed, such as racism, sexual identity, and the desire for security and belonging.
The Circle Season 1
The very first season of The Circle still holds up as one of the best. For starters, it introduced the concept of a new kind of reality show that focused more on who people are on the inside instead of how they look on the outside. From the beginning, the show established itself as unique, with a focus on the qualities that really make a person. Many of the contestants who went in as catfish did so out of a fear of not being accepted for who they were, and the show made even this deception understandable.
The first season also introduced an unforgettable cast in the form of players such as Chris, Joey, and Shubham. Unconventional (and long lasting) bonds were formed in the most beautiful way possible. Images were shed, as jocks revealed their true heart and befriended nerds. A highlight of the season came from the plus-sized Sean, who initially pretended to be a thinner woman. As the show progressed, Sean found the courage to share a real photo of herself, and was instantly accepted. This formed the basis for what The Circle was at its core – a safe place for people to really be who they were without false pretenses.
The Circle Season 2
Season 2 was everything anyone could want from The Circle, which is why it stands as the best the show has offered – so far. While the focus was still on being genuine and forming long-lasting bonds, this season also had some of the best catfishes seen, well, anywhere. Chief among the pack was DeLeesa, who took her catfish game to a whole new level. She came on the show as her husband Trevor, and brought with her a notebook full of “guy facts.” She was the most convincing catfish ever seen on the show, with 58-year-old Lee running a close second as 24-year-old River.
But the fun didn’t end there. DeLeesa played Trevor as a single man, ultimately winning the affections of Chloe, who was previously on Too Hot To Handle. They formed the closest alliance of the season, especially once Chloe developed deep feelings for “Trevor.” This led to the most anticipated reveal ever seen on the show – and it did not disappoint. This season also brought the drama with a heated rivalry that extended all the way to the finale. The Circle Season 2 essentially had something for everyone, and presented it in the most entertaining way possible.
The Circle seasons 1-6 are currently streaming on Netflix. Season 7 premieres on September 11th.
Published: Sep 4, 2024 6:18 PM UTC