Not all things in this world can be considered cute, but we’ve scoured the internet for the cute so you don’t have to. Sit back, make sure that you’ve got your cute hat on, and proceed with the massive amount of cute that’s in store for you ahead.
What’s cuter than a baby panda? How about a baby panda that just wants to say hello?
This kitten is sad because it isn’t getting pet, why would anyone deprive the poor cat of the attention it so richly deserves?
Because sometimes nothing’s cuter than potential cub cannibalism.
We can’t tell what the puppy’s looking at, but we’re sure that it isn’t as cute as the puppy is. It’s probably just a tennis ball, or two wolf cubs eating each other.
You don’t need to be tiny to be cute. You just have to be sweet and fluffy.
This kitten wants you to draw it like one of your French girls.
When looking for cute, accept no otter!
Vicious killers can be cute too, just so long as they’re sleeping and not gnawing on your skull.
This really seals it. The cute is strong with this one.
Published: Aug 13, 2013 05:00 pm