It’s time for V to rise to the top of Dogtown and meet face-to-face with Kurt Hansen, the kingpin of the entire district. In the Phantom Liberty quest “You Know My Name,” you’ll need to help Solomon Reed and the Federal Intelligence Agency (FIA) break into the Black Sapphire and get the notorious netrunner Songbird out into the open. So how exactly does one go about completing “You Know My Name” in Cyberpunk 2077? It’s a lengthy main mission with plenty of options to facilitate your apparent rescue operation, so let’s start from the top.
How to Start the “You Know My Name” Quest in Cyberpunk 2077
Serving as the seventh main quest in Phantom Liberty, players will receive an objective to “Enter the flooded tunnels” when the mission begins. Follow the map marker until you’re almost in the heart of the Dogtown where you’ll find a staircase leading underground. Once you’re below street level, you’ll be directed to some construction scaffolding which V will need to break through if they want to get into the watery depths of the Night City. Why are heading to such an unwelcome location? Well, that’s because we you’re going to break into the Black Sapphire and try pull a fast one on Kurt Hansen, you’ll need to swim into the building. Remember that diving suit Reed gave you when you first picked up this quest? It’s time to finally use it.
Follow the tunnel through to a section where the water has risen and the ceiling’s collapsed. Open your outfits menu and throw on the diving suit; you’ll need it since we’ll be doing a lot of swimming. Once you’re in the water, follow the fairly linear path through to your objective but be warned that there are some dangers to look out for. When you make your first left turn, you’ll come face-to-face with a Militech. Either disarm it or avoid it but make sure it doesn’t detonate because it’ll do a load of damage. Eventually, V will come up to what looks like a sewer pipe protected by a thick grate: This is your entrance. Rip it open and swim on through. Just a heads up, if you’re easily claustrophobic then this place might be a bit intense. V even comments about the tight squeeze! Keep following the pipe, avoiding one more mine on the right side of your path before getting to a van. Pry the door open and paddle through it.
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After the van, you’ll swim up and surface in what looks to be an old maintenance room. Watch out for the electric cables! Climb out of the water and follow the quest marker over the collapsed catwalk into a different pool. There’ll be a mine waiting for you at the bottom on the left, just before you reach the crevice you need to swim through to continue. V will ultimately surface in a room that looks like something out of Half-Life 2. Swim under the fenced-off section of the chamber and climb the ladder leading up to the catwalk which you’ll want to follow to reach a switch. Activate it and an industrial elevator with two crates will lower, so jump down and climb up those trunks to reach another switch labeled “Brake Release.” Hit it and the platform on your right will lower so jump aboard and walk through the maintenance vent to reach a series of ladders. Obviously, you should climb them.
Things Get Spicy at the Black Sapphire
At the top, you’ll enter a warehouse that has a couple of guards patrolling around. There’s plenty of cover so you can easily take them down stealthily if you so choose. You could also just light them up if your build is less about sticking to the shadows. Once they’re eliminated, drop down from your platform and take the staircase on the opposite side of the room to find a computer. Hack into it and take control of the security cameras monitoring the event, switching until you see Reed take down a guard alongside a military-style truck. Hack open the main gate and he’ll be able to sneak in. Once you’re done with the computer, the warehouse will play host to three new guards who will likely be standing between V and the elevator they need to take. Take them down and hop onto the lift, taking it all the way to the next area.
On the rooftop, you’ll encounter a single sniper watching the procession of events down below. Their back is turned to you, so simply sneak up to their position and neutralize the threat however you want. You’ll automatically hack into their rifle which you’ll use to cover Reed and follow his progress through the construction yard. Scan the area and report any guards, cameras, and mines you see. This section will feel very Call of Duty as once Reed is on the move, all you need to do is follow his instructions and remove any obstacles in his path. Once Reed is through all the security and has lowered the shipping containers to act as a bridge, reunite with him and take the elevator to the laundry room. It’s possible to just go loud during this section and snipe every guard you see; there aren’t any consequences for this but Idris Elba does call you a rookie, which stings.
In the laundry room, you’ll have to change into your party threads, a so-called “Stylish Suit,” and follow the quest marker into Hansen’s party. Meet Reed at the bar and initiate the next stage of the operation: Tracking down Songbird.
How to Complete “You Know My Name” in Cyberpunk 2077
From here you take your time and look around the shindig. Mingle with some guests, have a drink, and eavesdrop on the guests. You can also scan the room to pick out some interesting VIPs but that’s not essential to complete the quest, more just for general interest sake. Just kill some time until Songbird sends a message telling V to look up to the mezzanine. She’s easy enough to spot, sporting a green dress with purple feathers on the shoulders that complement the color of her hair.
Make it up to the first floor and approach Songbird where you’ll chat with her about some very serious matters. Reed will eventually join and the two have a moment to catch up and make some apologies. Unfortunately, the situation is more complicated than expected. As the trio works out the next step, Kurt Hansen himself joins the conversation. My advice would be to suck up your pride and shake his hand, it just makes it easier to move around without raising any more eyebrows. Kurt will steal Songbird away but not before she reconnects to V’s system and shows up as a personal hologram.
From her, she tells you that in order to extract the cure needed to cure both her and V of the Blackwell, you’ll need to impersonate two netrunners. Grab the shard from the empty champagne glass Songbird left behind and track down Reed at the bar by simply following the quest marker through the party. Once you sit down, he’ll share his shattering conclusion on who was responsible for the attempted hit on President Myers and you’ll reveal that the pair of you will need to find some netrunners and “klep their identities” to meet with Hansen at a later time. Fortunately, they’re close by so purchase some chips from the nearby vendor and head to the roulette table behind Reed to start gambling with the twins.
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It doesn’t matter what you bet on, just make your choices and have some friendly small talk with Aurore and Aymeric, the red-headed netrunners whose identities you’ll be stealing. Keep betting and talking with your targets as you stall for Reed who, mysteriously, has yet to join the table with you. Eventually, you won’t be able to wait any longer so you’ll begin scanning both twins. Continue to play nice and choose responses that aren’t too aggressive and Aurore should keep chatting without a problem. Keep this up for a while and your scan will be successful but V isn’t out of hot water just yet…
As the twins leave the roulette table, Kurt Hansen himself shows up. He’ll tell you that he knows Reed is part of the FIA and while it seems like everything is about to go sideways, he’ll offer to let both you and Reed leave the Black Sapphire safely. He does drop a bomb about Songbird that’ll complicate matters later on but at the very least you won’t need to go out guns blazing. Once Hansen leaves, cash out your chips at the vendor and follow the quest marker to an elevator that’ll let you leave the party through the main lobby. Reed and a mouthy BARGHEST soldier will be waiting to escort you out. To wrap up the quest, follow Reed around the corner and have a chat with him. Congrats, you just broke into the most highly-guarded building in Dogtown and made it out without a scratch.
That’s how you complete the “You Know My Name” quest in Cyberpunk 2077. If you’re looking for more on the game, check out how to complete “The Killing Moon” quest in Cyberpunk 2077.
Published: Oct 5, 2023 3:41 PM UTC