Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 9 sees Jack speeding around on a cool cyberbike in pursuit of Mitra. However, going fast doesn’t mean you have to neglect those sweet Memory Shards, so here’s a guide on how to get all of them in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 9, “I Won’t Be Back Today.”
Where to Get All of Ghostrununer 2 Chapter 9’s Collectibles
Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 9 is one of the shortest missions in the game which makes sense given that it’s largely designed as a tutorial on how to use Jack’s bike. The controls are slippery at best and just messy at worse so prepare for some inaccurate driving. I highly recommend playing this chapter with a controller, it feels significantly better than a keyboard. In any case, there only three collectibles in “I Won’t Be Back to Today” and each is a Memory Shard! So while you’re speeding along the highways, keep a look out for these pick-ups:
Memory Shard #1
While you’re still moving through the tunnel section at the start of the level, be prepared for a massive blockage on the road that requires Jack to turn to the side and ride on the right-hand-side wall. Once you even out again, keep driving until you see a ramp pointing towards a separate tunnel with fans turning on the inside. Boost up that ramp and aim your bike for the tunnel, avoiding all three fans.
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The first Memory Shard in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 9 is at the end of this tunnel on the left. You’ll need to drive up the wall to collect. If you miss it, you can restart the checkpoint to go back to the first road blockage.
Memory Shard #2
When you first exit the tunnel and arrive on what looks to be highway with an open view of the city on you left, you should see another ramp that’ll send you up to a higher piece of road on the left. Boost off the ramp and land on this new platform but keep scanning on the right for the telltale purple glow of the Memory Shard.
When you hit the halfway point of this raised road, you’ll want to drive straight off the right side and into the Memory Shard. If you miss it, restart the checkpoint to go back to the section just before the ramp.
Memory Shard #3
Towards the end of Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 9, after Jack and Kira have a brief chat about possible aborting the mission, you’ll come to another ramp at the end of the road that will launch you into another fan tunnel. Avoid the two blades and continue on until you see a massive red structure blocking half the tunnel, avoiding but driving up the left or right side and you’ll instantly see the next Memory Shard in the next gap you need to thread that’s blocked off with another red structure. Just steer down towards it and it’ll be yours.
Those are all the collectible Memory Shards in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 9. However, the next level has a ton more to find.
If you’re looking for more, check out where to find every collectible in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 11.
Published: Oct 26, 2023 11:41 am