There’s something deeply satisfying about placing down an automated Sentry turret and watching it mow down Zombie after Zombie in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombie mode. If you’d like to give it a try yourself, we’ve got you covered with this guide on how to acquire and use a Sentry Gun in MWZ mode.
How to get a Sentry Gun in Modern Warfare 3 MWZ
The Sentry Gun is absolutely amazing to use in Modern Warfare 3’s MWZ mode. As long as you find a good spot to place it down, it will put in some serious Zombie-destroying work for you. It can be used tactically to watch your back while you deal with waves from other angles, making it a very efficient and worthwhile purchase. The Sentry Gun works well in solo play as well as co-op to fill in gaps and provide covering fire for quite a good amount of time.
In order to get yourself one of the sweet Sentry Guns you’ll need to purchase it from a Buy Station for a cost of 2,000 Essence. For the value you can get out of the Sentry with good placement, I reckon it’s a hundred percent worth it to pick one of these up every now and then. It’s important to keep in mind that, like many of the other powerful items available to purchase in the Buy Station, you can’t purchase it in Low Threat level areas. You’ll only find it available at Buy Stations in Medium to High Threat level areas.
That’s how you can find yourself a Sentry Gun to buy and use in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies MWZ mode. The Sentry Gun is a powerful item to buy and can be invaluable in helping you fight off the waves of Zombies successfully.
But wait….there’s more! Don’t forget to check out our MW3 Zombies Camo Challenges article for a gory good time blasting zombies across MW3’s best maps.
Published: Nov 15, 2023 2:19 AM UTC