Sometimes in GTA 5 Online, you just want to give your mates a helping hand. In this guide, we’ll be going over how to give other players money in GTA 5 Online.
How to Give Other Players Money in GTA 5 Online
It’s actually not possible to simply walk up and interact with another player to hand them over some cash. While you have access to bank accounts in GTA V Online, you can’t simply bank transfer your buddies, either. There used to be a feature in the game in the early days of GTA V, but it had to be removed after it was abused by hackers. It’s a real shame, but because of that, there is no simple method to easily help your friends buy a car or apartment that they want.
Instead, the main method you can use to help give your friends some extra cash is to run a few jobs with them. Once you’ve completed a few jobs with them – these can be any paying free mode job – then you’ll want to check your Interaction Menu. You can access this by pressing and holding the View button on an Xbox Controller or pressing the “M” key on a keyboard. From here, you’ll be able to scroll down to select the Cash option, and you’ll be able to choose to give your friend some of your mission earnings.
Some players are reporting – on PC specifically – that this method may no longer be working after a recent update. I was no longer able to replicate this method on PC, but it seems like it’s still a viable method on Console for now. Outside of this method, the other main way to make some money for you and your friends is to purchase and run one of the available businesses in GTA 5 Online.
If you own and run a business, you can add your friends to it as your employees and work together to complete missions and earn really good money. Through the business, your friends will be getting paid for completing missions with you, and they’ll not have to foot the hefty bill it takes to purchase and operate one of these businesses. Businesses are the best way to make money in GTA 5 Online, and using them to help get your friends some money is the best way currently to help bolster their funds.
That’s how you can help give other players some money in GTA 5 Online. It’s a shame you can’t just hand over some funds to your buddies. It does make sense that Rockstar wants to protect the game’s economy from hackers, but it does make things trickier. At least you can use your businesses to help make you and your friends a ton of money together!
Published: Jan 8, 2024 12:34 PM UTC