You’ll need to use your head if you want to solve one of Enshrouded‘s most troublesome conundrums. Here’s how to solve the Mistbury Catacombs button puzzle in Enshrouded.
How to Solve the Mistbury Catacombs Buttons Puzzle in Enshrouded
Having arrived at the Mistbury Catacombs after a short walk down from the Hill of Scavengers, you’ll be tasked with pushing several buttons to clear a path through the precious treasure hidden within. Upon entering the tomb, you’ll come across two plaques that feature a riddle on how to work the location’s internal puzzle. Once you’ve read it, you’ll need to cross a large, crumbling bridge that’s filled with plenty of weaker enemies; kill them or ignore them – it’s up to you. At the far end of the bridge is a locked door that can’t be opened with a lockpick; that’s our target.
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You’ll have to activate four separate buttons, each located in a different part of the Catacombs. To find the first one mentioned in the riddle, from the bridge facing the locked door, take the left path and follow it until you reach a locked gate. Crack it open with a lockpick and then immediately turn left, climbing up the scaffolding you find on the wall. Once at the top, turn right, and you’ll see the button you need to hit across a wide gap. Swing across with your grappling hook and activate it. With that completed, head back to the bridge.

As you enter the passage that connects to the bridge, you can spot the next button that helps solve the Mistbury Catacombs buttons puzzle in Enshrouded on the upper floor and to the right. Simply pull out your bow and snipe it to activate it. Nice and easy.
After that, continue running straight down the path on the right side of the bridge. At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and head toward the lava pit. Follow this room all the way to the end, avoiding the flaming magma, and the button can be found on the left wall. Hit it and turn around. Rather than leaving the lava floor, you should see a cavern on the right. Head inside, grapple up to the ledge in front of you, and turn to face what looks to be a mushroom-covered wall bathed in blue light.
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Use your bow to shoot the small explosive in front of the wall and then run through the hole, being careful not to fall down to the lower level. Follow the stairs upwards, dealing with the various enemies you encounter. The button is located on the far wall. Press it and backtrack through the cave system until you’ve returned to the bridge.
Proceed through the locked door to pilfer your loot: Pikemead’s Bulwark. A decent little shield, it won’t fundamentally change the way you play Enshrouded, but it’s a nice pick-up nonetheless.

And that’s how to solve the Mistbury Catacombs buttons puzzle in Enshrouded.
Enshrouded is available on PlayStation, PC, and Xbox.
Published: Feb 15, 2024 12:27 PM UTC