Call of Duty can be a very frustrating game, and Ranked Play takes things to a whole other level. That’s why it’s not surprising that some are up in arms about how Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Ranked is penalizing players just for playing the game.
Ranked Play is available to players who reach Level 55 in MW3 Multiplayer, meaning casual gamers will have a tough time in the mode’s lobbies. But those who brave the storm take Ranked very seriously, and since it follows the same guidelines as the Call of Duty League, it’s not hard to see why. However, when the game penalizes someone just for trying to play, there’s bound to be some backlash.
Posted on r/ModernWarfareIII, one player ran into an issue where they chose to play one mode, only for the game to load another and kick them out before dishing out a penalty.
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“Counting down to a Highrise control. Randomly changes to Invasion but ok whatever,” they explained. “Map starts to load and it’s TDM in RANKED? Then match cancels with a dev error. Then I get a suspension notice. I play a few mins on pubs and when I go back to ranked it’s given me a penalty of -30 SR? FOR WHAT? It was a dev error and the game was spawning me into a TSM in Ranked and match cancels with said dev error and they gave the nerve to give me an SR and time penalty?”
Other players are sharing similar experiences in the comments of the post, as well as debating whether grinding Ranked is worth it right now. It’s easy to get players excited about a new mode – it’s harder to keep them happy after it comes out.
Published: Feb 9, 2024 7:15 PM UTC