There was an unexpected appearance tonight at The Game Awards 2024. A new title from the creator of Ico, Fumito Ueda, and his development team genDESIGN was shown off with actual gameplay.
Check out footage from the game, codenamed Project Robot, below:
This new adventure from Ueda looks quite different than Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian. More futuristic, not fantasy. The short teaser didn’t show a lot, but things look dire and intense! We see someone climbing a giant humanoid mech while a weird robot voice counts down a timer until a shockwave impact. As the mystery protagonist reaches the top of the mech head, they sever it, and fly into the air to avoid the shockwave.
It has been eight years since Ueda’s last game, the PS4 exclusive The Last Guardian. That was when Japan Studio was still a thing. I’m making myself sad. I’m glad he is still making games, though.
No one knows when there will be more details on Project Robot. A release date, actual title, price, and platforms all elude the gaming public. Hopefully, it won’t be too long until we hear an update. It definitely looks intriguing!
Published: Dec 12, 2024 10:00 pm