Still haven’t had your fill of punching one-eyed semi-human creatures in the face after finishing Zeno Clash? Worry not, as there’s more content on the way.
Staff impressions of Zeno Clash here at The Escapist have been fairly positive, with my colleague John “Can’t Fake The” Funk expressing delight at the fact that, at one point, you kick a pig into a crowd of enemies to kill them. This moment prompted him to hyperbolically declare over IM that Zeno Clash is “GotY.” I asked him if the pig was on fire. He said no, and I was sad.
Whether Zeno Clash is “GotY” or not, there are doubtless others out there who enjoy the melee-intensive gameplay and bizarre aesthetic leanings of ACE Team’s recently released game, and they’ll be glad to hear that there’s more Zeno Clash on the way. “We’re planning on releasing DLC and releasing a compatible SDK so users can edit levels and other assets,” designer Andres Bourdeu told Shacknews, noting that “it shouldn’t take us very long.”
The team is currently working on a patch to tweak some mechanics and fix some bugs, as well as on a Zeno Clash demo.
Steam recently began supporting in-game DLC, so don’t be surprised to find that popping up soon enough. Bordeu says that new Tower challenges are something the team is interested in and that if they do put them out, they “will be free.”
As for any other details, Bordeu said that he’s “not ready to share them yet,” but assures fans that “we’re gathering all the community feedback we’re getting…we want to listen to what the players are saying.”
You want to listen to what this player is saying, ACE Team? Add kickable flaming pigs. No more, no less.
UPDATE: Worried that ACE Team would get greedy with the DLC? Worry not. They’ve posted in the comments below to “guarantee our upcoming DLC will be free.”
In the near future, the team plans on releasing the first patch for the game next week as well as support for Garry’s Mod, which should result in some wacky pictures considering Zeno Clash’s unique and surreal cast of characters.
Published: Apr 25, 2009 01:20 am