Of all the potential projects that Kojima Productions wants to work on after MGS: Peace Walker, Hideo Kojima says that a sequel to PS2 mecha-combat game Zone of the Enders “tops the list.”
In an interview posted on PlayStation Blog (as seen above), noted(ly insane) Japanese game designer Hideo Kojima discussed the projects in the works at his Kojima Productions studio. While much of the interview centered around Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and whether or not the man was worried the younger team would ruin his franchise after he left it for good – like that’s ever going to happen – there was a rather interesting tidbit about the long-suspended Zone of the Enders series.
While Zone of the Enders and its sequel were cult hits, the two mecha-combat games have fallen by the wayside as the last generation gave way to the current one, and their fans have been clamoring for a third game ever since. When flat-out asked if there would be any more Zone of the Enders games, specifically on a current-generation console, Kojima said that it was likely.
A lot of users give us love-calls over Zone of the Enders. We do love the title, and we always wanted to create it on [a next-gen console] as well … Kojima Productions has a long list of things that we want to bring out and of course Zone of the Enders is on the top of the list. However, we have to manage staffing and work around other projects. Therefore it’s not going to be out too soon, but we are really considering it.
So there you have it, ZoE fans. It won’t be out anytime soon, but you’ll get your Kojima mecha action game … whenever they get around to it.
(Via CVG)
Published: Oct 15, 2009 05:23 pm