In the grim dark of the future, there are nothing but delays. At least, that’s the case with PowerWash Simulator’s Warhammer 40K content, which was just delayed until next year.
FuturLab, developer of PowerWash Simulator, has been building on this already excellent and immensely satisfying wash-em-up by doling out more content, some free, some paid. One of the most exciting pieces of DLC, and a slightly silly one, too, was its upcoming Warhammer 40k collaboration.
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Originally penciled in for a Q4 2023 launch, this DLC is set to let you blast the dirt off various Warhammer 40K vehicles and locations. We doubt it’ll let you hose your way around a whole Space Hulk, but it’s still an exciting piece of DLC, and we were more than happy to pay to get our hands on it.
However, as the days went on, we started to suspect that it wasn’t going to arrive in time for the holiday season. And now, FuturLab has confirmed it’s been pushed until 2024. When in 2024? The developer hasn’t ventured anything more concrete, not even an “early 2024.”
That suggests to us that it’s facing a pretty significant delay, and your guess as to when it will release is as good as ours. Whether that’s down to licensing issues, technical problems, or so on, FuturLab has yet to say anything about the Warhammer 40k DLC. In the meantime, you can powerwash Back to the Future‘s sets, thanks to the latest (paid) chunk of PowerWash Simulator DLC.
If you’re interested in more Warhammer-related content, here’s an article on how Warhammer: Realms of Ruin follows Dawn of War 3’s most criticized aspects too closely and another on how Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 gameplay looks reminiscent of Gears of War.
Published: Dec 5, 2023 4:52 PM UTC