Keiichiro Toyama, the mastermind behind Silent Hill and Gravity Rush, is leading the development of a multiplatform horror-themed action adventure game. Speaking with IGN, Toyama said that the currently unnamed project will be the debut title from Bokeh Game Studio, the game developer that was officially revealed to the public early this month. The legendary game lead is promising “an action-adventure game that will appeal to fans of my previous work” that also includes “battles and story elements.”
Toyama explained that Bokeh will “focus on making this a broader entertainment experience, rather than a hardcore horror game.” Additionally, the development studio is making the game for PC as the lead platform but aims to launch on “as many consoles as possible.”
Bokeh co-founder Kazunobu Sato added that the “fairly large” team hopes to launch the game in 2023: “We’re just entering prototype development, and development will probably take nearly three years. So we hope to get this game into your hands in about three years from now.”
Bokeh will provide updates through its Facebook and Twitter accounts, so be sure to follow both for more information throughout the next few years.
The studio has Toyama, Sato, and Junya Okura serving as creator, producer, and game director respectively. With the team’s background in horror games like Silent Hill and Siren or its familiarity with action titles like Gravity Rush, the first project has a lot of potential.
Published: Dec 23, 2020 12:30 pm