Going forward, The Escapist‘s forums will be a far more agreeable place.
We here at The Escapist are always looking for ways to improve the user experience at our site, especially when it comes to our forums. That in mind, we’re proud today to debut a new set of community options that, going forward, should aid our users in ensuring they have a tranquil and serene forum experience.
From now on, when you click on a thread that has been algorithmically deemed to be potentially controversial, its posts will be concealed with an all-consuming darkness extracted from our upper management. The resulting black emptiness will leave our users with the freedom to imagine nothing but posts agreeing with their own opinions. This new system avoids any need for argument, name-calling, and other acts of internet unpleasantness. We confidently predict that this will help promote a closer, more tight-knit community built on the strong foundations of vacuous emptiness and non-thought.
In addition to these changes to the forums, we’ll also be testing new viewing options for The Escapist inspired by the award-winning movie Battlefield Earth. Throughout the day you may notice that certain pages on our dear site have been slightly tilted to enhance your viewing pleasure. This approach was directly inspired by the aforementioned sci-fi film classic which, famously, was shot almost entirely with slanted camera angles. We are confident it’ll be as successful and popular as the film that inspired it.
We’ll be looking forward to hearing your feedback on our new UI concepts throughout the course of the day!
Published: Apr 1, 2015 07:05 pm