To catch up on all the previous action, you can see the whole Twilight Imperium series here.
And now for something completely different. Ok, maybe it’s not that different, but this week a few folks are out of the office so we weren’t able to get a proper turn or two in worth writing up. Instead, I’m going to be dropping the server speech and silted write-ups of the Mindnet to analyze the board as I see it and what has lead us up to the current situation in the game. Just a fair warning, this is how I interpreted the events of the game thus far. My fellow players might disagree about some of the details.
As much as the game is centered on what’s currently happening, a lot of it traces back to beginning and the first few turns. Like many games, these opening moves have some rippling effect for turns much later down the line. Thus further gets fleshed out with the galaxy placement. While we may have slightly botched some of the placement rules, a number of key dynamics occurred because of our planetary placement and positioning.
Due to being hemmed in by impassible hexes, Paul, playing The Xxcha, was virtually assured to be in direct contention with Josh, Federation of Sol, over the course of the game. There’s just not enough planets to go around. This was only further exasperated by Josh and Janelle’s, The Yin Brotherhood, open alliance with each other. With only one front to defend, all of their resources could be directed at a single opponent. However, while the spacial anomalies cut off Paul’s routes of expansion, they likewise kept him relatively protected from Louis’s Sardakk N’orr. With Janelle in a very strong opening position flush with more nearby planets than anyone else, I leveraged my neighbor Tito, Jol-Nar, into an alliance that further divided the galaxy into smaller conflicts. Our six player game effectively broke down to each side fighting with only one of their neighbors – the Mindnet and Sardakk, Jol-Nar and Yin, and finally the Federation of Sol and the Xxcha. Some of this we’d come to find out was fueled by the player’s secret objectives.
Like Icarus though, I flew too high too fast.
Big strategic games like Twilight Imperium are often governed by who the perceived or largest threat is, and I had brazenly aggroed the rest of the board. Everyone quickly pounced with a flurry of actions cards and movements to seize my territories and lock down my fleets. With my homeworld taken away I had lost the ability to claim objectives, effectively losing the game if I didn’t quickly retake it. Further complicating the environment is now we’re moving into the stage two public objectives, which are either worth more points or can simply win you the game outright.
As we transition into the final several turns of the game, everything is at a virtual knives edge. With the exception of the Xxcha, the rest of the players have moved within a few victory points of each other. However, the Bureaucracy strategy has already uncovered that holding two enemy home worlds with four ships will be an instant victory and another is looming pertaining to holding a large number of planets outside of your home systems. Players will need to vigilantly protect and deny the others from claiming the free wins, while also attempting to further grab victory points of their own. Join us next week as the game continues to spiral to its conclusion.
Published: Oct 1, 2014 10:30 pm