The darkly humorous mini-series, There Will Be Brawl, is heading toward it’s finale, this Friday, December 18th at noon EST, right here on The Escapist and it should not be missed! In celebration of this momentous occasion, we have assembled the There Will Be Brawl Marathon! Watch all the past episodes before the clock strikes 12AM midnight EST on Friday and get a special badge to show off on your Escapist profile.
Watch all the episodes by clicking here.
The Story So Far: The Mushroom Kingdom is plagued by a serial killer. As Princess Peach tries desperate measures to discover the identity of the murderer, she is kidnapped. Mario’s failure to keep the Princess safe once again sends him into a deep depression. Not used to being the hero, Luigi quietly searches the land looking for clues to Peach’s assailant. The kidnapper always seems one step ahead, and Luigi must assemble a team of allies from all over the Mushroom Kingdom. They are unable to keep the kingdom intact, however, as every faction grasps for power. After coming face to face with a dying Bowser and realizing that even he does not have the Princess, Luigi is running out of places to look. The violence hits close to the Bros. when Mario finds his beloved Yoshi slain and Luigi’s trusted Pokemon Trainer Red is killed in a bombing. With suspicion being cast upon every crazy character from the Nintendo brand, The Mushroom Kingdom is on the verge of an all out brawl.
Main Characters

Mario: Unable to keep Princess Peach safe from the unknown assailant, Mario descends into a destructive downward spiral of booze and self-loathing. Only when Zelda takes the throne of the Mushroom Kingdom does he join Luigi in the fight to find Peach’s kidnapper and the evil that is destroying his land. After finding the cold, bloody corpse of his beloved Yoshi in his home, Mario may be forced to give all he has left to save his princess.

Luigi: Always known as player two, in BrawI, Luigi is the driving force trying to root out the evil in the Mushroom Kingdom and bring Peach back to safety. Swallowing his pride and aligning himself with the criminal dons (Ganondorf, Dedede, Bowser) to get information on the murderer, which always seem to be one step ahead of him. Wherever Luigi has gone, a trail of bodies has followed: Dedede, Bowser, and now Red. With his list of allies getting smaller, Luigi soon might be face to face with death himself.

Wario: Making his living off the seedy underbelly of the kingdom, Wario deals in mushrooms, runs pokemon fights, and pledges his allegiance to the highest bidder. Wario tells the Mario Brothers, “You never know who you can trust these days,” and that applies to him as well. With Waluigi delivering the bomb that killed Red, suspicion falls on Wario.

Samus: The first person Luigi tracks down on his quest for information about the murderer, Samus is a woman of many talents. She is especially skilled in navigating the darker side of the Mushroom Kingdom. Her loyalty has been called into question, but she has always been by Luigi’s side as he searches for Princess Peach. Samus might hope that Luigi never finds Peach, however, so that she can have the green-dressed plumber all to herself.

Link: As Police Chief of the Mushroom Kingdom, Link has been on the trail of Princess Peach’s murderous kidnapper from the start. But with his quickness to establish martial law and anoint Zelda as Princess Regent, one wonders where his true allegiance lies. Recently, he has fallen to depths he never thought possible in order to save the kingdom, and the woman he swore to protect betrays him. With Link seemingly perished, the Mushroom Kingdom has lost one more ally.

Ganondorf: Seeming to know everything but actually revealing little, Ganondorf has used Luigi and others to further his own interests during this upheaval. Carefully treading the line between friend and foe, he sheds just enough light to keep Luigi moving forward in his search while simultaneously planting the seed of betrayal in his ally’s hearts. Ganondorf seems to be pulling all the strings in this brawl and it wouldn’t be surprising to see him standing atop a pile of bodies at the end, victorious.
Published: Dec 16, 2009 4:30 AM UTC