Image by The Chinese Room

Tips to Survive in Still Wakes The Deep

Find out how you can avoid dying in Still Wakes the Deep.

Still Wakes the Deep can be a challenging experience, especially if you’re not ready to survive the onslaught of terror that is heading your way. Let’s find out some ways to avoid meeting an untimely doom on this oil rig together, shall we?

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Tips To Stay Alive in Still Wakes The Deep

It may sound like a nightmare to be trapped on an Oil Rig in the middle of the ocean — and I can confirm that it absolutely is. The feeling of isolation and being alone is already there, but add an otherworldly mess of creatures to the mix, and you’ve got something that’ll make your heartbeat rise and your blood boil. Here are some of my tips to make the most out of Still Wakes the Deep.

Make Sure To Scan Your Environment For Throwables

Roy, the Chef upon the Oil Rig
Image by The Chinese Room

As you make your way through the horrifying events that begin unfolding before your eyes, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got a solid grasp of the world around you. This is especially true when you’re trying to stay out of sight and out of mind of the creatures that are hunting you down to turn you into a snack. Make sure that you’re always keeping an eye on the floor in front of you — you’ll never know if you can use an object to distract a creature until you encounter one.

It’s a lesson that is taught to you fairly early on in your experience, as you come across a former crewmate who is no longer his former self, but rather a mess of organic flesh and sinew that roams the halls of the laundry room. Grabbing a coffee mug or a wrench or anything else in your view and tossing it away can give you ample time to escape.

Don’t Run Unless You Really Need To Do So

A hallway in Still Wakes The Deep
Image by The Chinese Room

One of my first instincts, and likely something that would get me killed first if I ever found myself in a situation like this, is to abuse the fact that I can run. Well, in Still Wakes the Deep, you may be fast, but these creatures are much, much faster than you originally may anticipate. If you use the tip above, distraction is one of the best methods to escape the grasp of these vile creatures — running will likely get you killed before you have a chance to see what’s even behind you.

Related: Still Wakes the Deep Is A Greatest Hits Anthology Of Modern Horror (Review)

There are a few moments where running is going to prove particularly useful, but if you find yourself in close quarters with one of these creatures, be sure to be as stealthy as possible. Just keep crouching, and when the time finally feels right, run like hell.

Don’t Be Afraid To Look Behind You, And Listen To Caz

Image by The Chinese Room

One of the best, and admittedly most terrifying parts of Still Wakes the Deep is not knowing what is going to be coming after you next. The sound design, as noted in my review, is incredibly well done through and through. Small details like the sound of pittering rain may envelop the frontal part of the sound design, but the squishy sounds of Lovecraftian horrors behind you may not be so easy to spot sometimes.

On a controller, you can instantly snap your view behind you by clicking on the R3 button on your controller of choice. This will instantly snap your view 180 degrees behind you, and you may be treated to a shock. That may be the moment when you can disregard my advice of not running and head into a full sprint.

Failure Isn’t The Final Frontier

Caz falling off of a platform in Still Wakes The Deep
Image by The Chinese Room

Failure is always something that we try to avoid whenever humanly possible, both in our real lives and inside of our favorite virtual worlds. Still Wakes the Deep has plenty of moments where you could easily be set up for failure, but rather than getting frustrated with yourself, take what you’ve learned and apply it once again down the road.

Related: Should You Play Still Wakes the Deep on Story or Standard Mode?

There was a particular section of the game where I kept dying over and over again, due to Caz drowning. However, after taking a deep breath and looking around while I knew I was about to die, I used the environmental clues that I wasn’t paying attention to beforehand to easily navigate through this section in the future. Now that’s thinking with progress.

No matter if you’re someone who just wants to be scared while watching someone play through the game, or someone ready to jump into the waves of Still Wakes the Deep themselves, be prepared for anything that can come your way in this exciting and terrifying game. Just be sure you have a spare pair of underwear around.

Still Wakes The Deep will be available June 18, 2024, on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It is available Day One on Xbox Game Pass.

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Image of Shaun Cichacki
Shaun Cichacki
As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.