Beyond Good & Evil 2 Loses Studio Head, Still Unable to Pin Creative Vision After 15 Years

Ubisoft Reaffirms Beyond Good & Evil 2 Is Still Being Developed

Well, I guess my Hopium supply needs to be refilled after this news.

After countless years of waiting for anything regarding Beyond Good & Evil 2, fans had seemingly given up hope that they would ever see this ambitious sequel. However, according to the official Beyond Good & Evil X account, it may still eventually see the light of day.

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During the ongoing discussion about the recently announced Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition, Ubisoft decided to slyly reaffirm the fact that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in development. While there are still some issues going on at the studio producing this anticipated sequel, it’s great to know that we may eventually get to see Jade in the newest generation of consoles.

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While a point-blank Tweet may not have the same impact as its E3 2017 reveal trailer did, knowing that the teams at Ubisoft haven’t forgotten about the countless fans that have been waiting on any information regarding Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a step in the right direction.

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With multiple live events showcasing upcoming games coming and going without a single whisper of information regarding Beyond Good & Evil 2, plenty of fans – myself included – imagined that this title went from Vaporware into the bin. This type of confirmation, as small as it may be buried within the replies regarding a remastering of the original game in the series, has reignited a spark in my heart and a small glimmer of hope that it can live up to the lofty expectations that have been put upon it. We can only hope that the game is as big and ambitious as it was first announced to be – otherwise, we may need to wait for Beyond Good & Evil 3 to fill those massive shoes in 2074.

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Image of Shaun Cichacki
Shaun Cichacki
As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.