THE DEAD@17 SERIES, VIPER COMICS Debut title, is COMPLETELY SOLD OUT from Diamond Comics Distributors and publisher. The positive reviews for issues 1-4, strong sales, and a growing fan base have caused books to quickly disappear from comic shops. In addition, DEAD @17 #1 found itself in the HOT 10 COMICS list in WIZARD MAGAZINE Issue #150 April 2004.
“It’s been an incredible journey and we look forward to bringing back a 2nd installment to the series…DEAD @17:Blood of Saints which is scheduled to arrive in stores April 2004”, said Jessie Garza Viper Comics President.
“It’s like 28 Days Later….without the vomiting blood” – Wizard
“Another surprise indie hit has been Viper Comics’ Dead @ 17. #1 is officially sold out at Diamond and has garnered praise from both comics press If interest keeps up, this book could be the next 30 Days of Night.” –
“Josh Howard manages to keep the story fresher and more interesting than it has any right to be, with fast pacing and natural sounding dialogue.” -Vampirella Magazine
“If you’re a fan of horror comics, you should really pick this one up.”
–“The characters are three-dimensional, believable girls drawn with flair.”“Dead@17, currently Viper Comics’ only title, was arguably THE small press smash hit of 2003. Combining great horror with teen drama and a very simple and accessible, yet thrilling story, fans flocked to stores and comic cons to find out what the buzz was all about”. –
“DEAD @17 is a little bit of horror genius.” –
“DEAD @17, seems to have clicked with a small but growing audience.”
–“Howard is a magnificent plotter. The introduction, character exposure and cliffhangers are all well presented in a small amount of pages. There’s enough stuff happening here to attract the reader for the second issue.” –
“ want to hear the line that will make you want to buy this book? Undead school girl bisecting zombie skulls with an axe.” –
“Zombies, guns, a resurrected chosen one and sexy young girls, all drawn in a clear and attractive art style, adds up to something intriguing.” –
“An intelligent teen slasher-horror film seems to be a contradiction in terms – which must be why the Viper Folks made it a comic book instead” – Comic Shop News
Pre-order a copy of DEAD @17: Blood of Saints #1 (item code: FEB04-2714) in stores April 2004/ Pre-order a copy of DEAD @17- TPB Now in March Diamond Previews (item code: MAR04 2861) in stores May 2004 / Pre-order a copy of DEAD @17: Blood Of Saints #2 Now in March Diamond Previews (item code: MAR04 2862) in stores May 2004. Retailers may place orders by contacting their Diamond Customer Service Representative.
Published: Mar 7, 2004 09:01 pm