The popular light novel series Unnamed Memory, created by Kuji Furumiya, has received its own eagerly anticipated anime series produced by ENGI. With countless fans all over the world, the Unnamed Memory anime adaptation has officially set its release date.
Unnamed Memory is a romance fantasy story that follows a cursed prince named Oscar in the medieval realm of Falsas. This magical curse on Oscar causes any woman who conceives a child with him to die before delivering a healthy infant, thereby providing the royal family without a viable line of direct descendants. This leads Oscar to try to find a woman capable of breaking the curse and ensuring he can produce an heir to the throne. Here is when audiences can expect to see the Unnamed Memory anime series.
Unnamed Memory Anime Release Date and Window
Initially scheduled for a 2023 release, Unnamed Memory instead premiered on April 9, 2024, with new episodes released on Tuesdays. The first season of Unnamed Memory is currently planned to have 12 episodes total and it is unknown if there are plans to have more seasons following this inaugural run. Similarly, it is unclear how much of the six-volume light novel series this season will adapt for the anime medium.
For its North American distribution, ENGI has licensed Unnamed Memory to Crunchyroll for international streaming, which releases subtitled episodes of the series with its original Japanese voice cast simultaneously on its streaming service with the seriesā Japanese broadcast release. There is currently no announcement regarding a potential English-language dub release date, though the first several episodes of the series have a German-language dub available.
For fans of high fantasy romance, led by particularly strong protagonists in Prince Oscar and his love interest, the witch Tinasha, Unnamed Memory is ready to deliver and available to stream on Crunchyroll.
Published: May 7, 2024 10:10 pm